Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What Would Aphrodite Do?

The quickest way to understand the significance of the planets in the sky and in an astrological chart, is to think of them not as symbols but as living breathing entities. Then when the calendar is telling you the sun is in Cancer, you wont have to rush to some 10,000 word textbook to try to figure out what this could possibly mean for you. Instead you can just consider that Apollo, the sun god, is visiting home and family (Cancer's arena) this month and bringing the Life Force with him. The think about it, what happens when somebody totally fabulous comes to your house bringing light and love? Isn't home the best place to be while he's there? Yes, whatever sign the sun is in, you know that's where the party is. So don't get hung up worrying about what Cancer represents - home, security, old folks, food, real estate etc. etc. - or what the sun in this sign symbolizes and what is the appropriate way to respond. Just think of the sun as being this all powerful warm hearted well meaning guy - a handsome king perhaps  coming to the area the sign rules, in this case, Home and then look for him there. Talk to him in your mind. Create a relationship with the planet as you would with a living entity. They want you to!
Let's look at a few of the other planets floating about:
Mercury is the god in charge of communication. If you want a message delivered get in touch with your inner Mercury. For most of this month he's hanging out in Leo aka. The Theatre. When Mercury is in Leo he's on stage and thus the truth may get hidden under some grease paint and drama. Mercury in Leo falls in love with his own voice now and what you hear from him these days may be more show than tell. If you see people acting out  in the grocery stor or speaking loudly in the elevator or somehow just trying to include the whole world in their private lives - you've just witness Mercury in Leo.
Next we come to Venus, or Aphrodite as the Greeks called her. Venus is visiting Cancer too this month so if you're looking for Love, this is where you'll find her. What does this actually mean you should do? Just consider that a beautiful lady - a real goddess in fact - may be coming to your house. Would Aphrodite go anywhere she wasn't welcome? Doubtful. So the first thing you want to do is make your home the sort of place this goddess would want to visit. Aphrodite particularly likes harmony, balance, beauty, personal belongings, ease and comfort. Bring these into your home and Aphrodite will come right along with them!
Mars who is known for his energy, his confidence, his self assertion and aggression is running around in Gemini these days. If you want to form a relationship with him right now be ready to get up and start moving. When Mars is in Gemini he wants to go off on trips, errands and just see and be seen. If this force is with you you'll find yourself getting antsy if you have to stay lock step with anyone. You'll prefer to be able to come and go as you please. If you're trying to co-ordinate your efforts with other mortals you may find everyone is happier buzzing about on their own and then meeting up later to compare notes.
I used to describe Saturn as the Giant Squelch of The Universe but I've decided not to do that anymore. Now that I'm recognizing the planets as real live entities I want to acknowledge that Saturn is the hardest working god in the whole solar system. If you want to get along with Saturn, recognize that he's the referee, It's a tough job but some planet has got to do it. He doesn't make the laws, he just has to enforce them. Saturn is set up in Libra now, the land of balance and fair play. Saturn is in his element here so if you think life has mistreated you, talk it over with Saturn. If you're right he'll make an adjustment - some good karma will come your way. If your just a whiner he wont do a darn thing for you but even so just pleading your case with Saturn will help you see where you need to do more to hold up your end of the bargain. He's not such a bad guy. He's more like a banker who says everything we have in life came to us on cosmic loan - what are we doing to pay it back?
Uranus is supposed to be friends with everyone, but he's not a particularly loyal friend. I think a more useful description of Uranus is to realize here is a god who doesn't play favorites. He may bring you flashes of insight like the lightening he is said to direct, but he'll also change plans and pull the rug out from under you if he thinks someone else has a better idea. It's wonderfully exciting to connect with Uranus but know with Uri everything can change in an instant so no commitments, no regrets. Uranus charged into Aries this year where his ideas about personal freedom and man's right to determine his own fate are shaking up the global political scene big time. He's turned retrograde now but that doesn't mean he's backing down. On the contrary, he's just waiting for the rest of the universe to catch up and see he's right. Meanwhile he and Saturn are having some pretty heavy negotiations. If Uranus is your co-pilot you may find yourself insisting you be given more control of your resources - and eventually you will be.  Saturn is just delaying things to be sure you'll be able to handle it. The more responsibly you handle your resources now the more quickly authority will be handed over to you in the months ahead.
This is a lot to absorb. I hope you'll play around with these "New Friends" some and we'll introduce the rest of the team next week.
Meanwhile, if you need any help, just call on these gods the way you would call on a personal friend. Or ask yourself, "What would Aphrodite do?"
And of course you can always call on me!
Until next time,
Rosada, EXT 2340


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