Thursday, September 29, 2011

8. Strength - The Lion Whisperer

Aesop tells a fable about the Sun and the Wind debating who was the more powerful. They spotted a farmer walking through his fields and decided to have a contest to see who could get his coat. Wind declared, "I am the most powerful for I can blow that man's jacket right off his back!" With that Wind blasted the fellow with such a gush of cold air he nearly fell to the ground but oddly enough he didn't let go of his jacket and indeed, he wrapped it so snugly about him that no matter how hard Wind blew, he wasn't able to rip it away. Then Sun took her turn. Gently she aimed her warm beams at the shivering man and as he became more and more comfortable under her soothing care he himself unbuttoned the coat and cast it aside with ease! Warmth and gentleness won over force. This is the message of tarot card number 8, Strength. Like the Sun, the woman is using gentleness and warmth to tame the fierce lion and he then happily obeys.

The Strength card is similar to last week's card, The Chariot in that they both deal with handling impulses and emotions. The Chariot was about dealing with challenges that come from the outer world and promised us that by staying focused on our goals we would be able get past any roadblocks. We experienced success by refusing to give up, but what happens when it's time to reign in the horses? Do we know how to put the brakes on sheer will power? Thus we come to Strength, the card where the challenges are of a different sort, they come from within and require self-control. No longer does sheer stick-to-itiveness guarantee success. Now we are confronted with situations that can only be mastered with kindness and patience and thus we must master our own lion-like animal natures. 

The sign Leo is associated with the Strength card which is the sign that rules children and creativity. Children obviously need to be raised with patience but also the creative juices must be tamed with practice and patience least the artist experience burn-out or be destroyed in some wild and reckless display.

In a reading when Strength appears it's a tip off that we're involved in a situation where we might like to confront an adversary but we would be wise to exercise control of our passions and consider a softer approach. For example I had a recent caller ask if he would win his up-coming court case. We did a three card spread. The Chariot came up on the right, the place that tells us where we are at the moment. The Chariot here indicated he strongly felt he was in the right and most likely had the resources to pursue his goal. The High Priestess came up on the left and represented the probable outcome. The High Priestess is rarely a good card as a final outcome indicator as she represents a vague unresolved situation. The middle position - the obstacle card - revealed the problem. It was the Strength card and told us that the man should control his passion because if he won through force the High Priestess as the outcome tells us he would not get any reward for his efforts. Sure enough, it turned out the fellow was considering suing his indigent sister. Although his anger was no doubt justified he agreed with the cards that he would most likely be better off putting the breaks on Strength for the sake of the family and also because as The High Priestess outcome card revealed, nothing would be resolved in this manner and even if he the courts decided in his favor as The Chariot predicted, she didn't have any money so nothing would come of his winning.

This week as we focus on the Strength card you may start seeing some of the problems that come following The Chariot/Success. You may find you have overcome some restrictions but now new ones appear. You can't win every battle with force. This is the week to practice your charm.

Nice and Easy Does It,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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