Saturday, October 8, 2011

9. The Hermit - The View

"Wise men say only Fools rush in..." and sure enough with card number 9, The Hermit, we encounter a wise old soul on that same hill top where we first met him in The Fool card at the beginning of our journey, only now he's been around the mountain a few times and now he looks very carefully before leaping and definitely no rushing. Note the differences and similarities of these two cards. The Fool gazed off into the clouds oblivious to his surroundings and about to step off the edge of a cliff. The Hermit stands still and very carefully surveys his view of the countryside and indeed, he is holding up a lantern to not only help himself see things more clearly, but to help others benefit from his experience. The Hermit is a man who looks after himself and also serves as a role model for others.

We can understand The Hermit better by considering the whole sequence of the tarot thus far:
0 - The Fool(rushing in!): The Uranus card that heralds surprises and predicts that anything can happen. Circumstances can change in an instant.
1 - The Magician. The Mercury card emphasizes focusing attention on these new circumstance.
2 - The High Priestess. The Moon card advises patience and waiting, something unseen may reveal itself.
3 - The Empress. The Venus card says now we can see the new world of opportunities manifesting.
4 - The Emperor. The Aries card encourages not waiting further, begin with what you know.
5 - The Hierophant. The Taurus card indicates it's time to stabilize and establish a routine.
6 - The Lovers. The Gemini card promises that once we have this routine, this basic understanding, new choices will appear.
7 - The Chariot. The Cancer card tells us we can now consciously make choices (not just fall into them as with The Fool). Once having chosen our path The Chariot warns there will be temptations to waver (Cancer is the sign that's known for longing for the past and what might have been) but if we stay on track our success is assured!
8 - Strength. The Leo card warns us inner temptations must also be tamed and directed.
9 - The Hermit. The Virgo card shows us that if we can do all this we need not continually lose our footing as new adventures and new insights beckon. We can learn from our experience and the experience of others.

The Hermit is associated with the sign Virgo, a sign I've come to have more and more respect for. As a teenager I thought Virgo with it's focus on health, purity and good work habits had to be the most boring sign of the zodiac. I thought Libra and Love and maybe Pisces and Spiritual Awareness were the grooviest signs to be born under. I thought my Mars in Virgo doomed me to life of cleaning house and weeding the garden. Not so! The Hermit it turns out is probably the ideal we should all be shooting for. I think of the expression, "The unexamined life is not worth living..." The Hermit examines his life. He sees it all and he's not afraid to recognize mistakes and work for improvement. It's not that he renounces love and relationships, he just knows that even when he is with a partner, he still has to live with himself. And as for Pisces and all that spiritual knowledge vs. The Virgo Hermit signifying wisdom for taking care of the physical body - well eventually we all come to know that until you're actually in the spirit world, while you're still on earth, good health trumps it all.

When he appears in your reading, The Hermit is usually advising staying single, being self-sufficient and listening to your own inner guidance. If he is describing someone you are interested in then the Hermit could be telling you the person is not currently in a committed relationship or if you are asking how the friend feels about the two of you The Hermit could be a warning your friend may be a confirmed bachelor. I have also had The Hermit indicate one should not seek out advice from a just a friend but from an experienced guide, someone who has real life experience.

As we focus on The Hermit card this week I expect we'll find ourselves being aware of older wiser guides who know their business not only because they've read a lot of maps, but because they've hiked the mountain from the ground up. Boldly ask them to share their insights. Likewise this could be the week you can gain experience sharing what you've learned about the cards. No need to memorize them all before you try giving a reading. Use a deck of just the ten we've covered. You may be surprised how much you'll be able to see! However comeback next week...

We haven't seen it all yet!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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