Thursday, October 13, 2011

10. The Wheel of Fortune - Altitude Adjustment

"When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around, but when I got to be 21 I was amazed at how much the old man had learned in seven years." - Mark Twain

We've been studying the tarot cards with the idea that they are describing a journey, the spiritual awakening of a young soul with each card representing a significant realization on the path. We began with our hero being a young Fool who had no appreciation of where he was (on top of a mountain) and what it took for him to get there (his whole life). Foolishly he was about to step over the edge of a cliff. The next card, The Magician, illustrated his first moment of awakening with the realization that even though this world may be an illusion, we must stay focused and keep the magic happening. Other cards followed until finally we came to The Hermit who represented the Fool after he'd climbed the mountain to the edge of the cliff again, only this time he has experienced how much effort it took to arrive at this point and he's not about to waste it. As the Hermit he has a lifetime of experience behind him and unlike the Fool he pauses to carefully consider the world before plunging in. I call this an altitude adjustment, because by seeing things from this higher perspective we can have a complete change of attitude. No longer careless, no longer believing good fortune is eternal. 

So The Hermit now sees things differently and has a new appreciation for life because of his new perspective. Yes, luck still enters in, but we no longer trust everything to blind chance. The idea that change follows cycles that can be studied and used to our advantage is represented by card number ten: The Wheel of Fortune. The wheel illustrates that luck changes, but in predictable cycles

The Wheel of Fortune is associated with the planet Jupiter, the planet that rules study and philosophy and while it generally portends good luck, it also cautions that all things change. We may have good luck today but as we see from the figures strapped to the wheel, what goes up must come down. The underlying theme is that Man is bound by Fate, but when this accepted with Wisdom we can survive all the changes.

When The Wheel appears in a reading I see it as a sign there is a strong element of luck,  or outside circumstances influencing the situation. A person may actually be considering playing the lottery or doing something considered a gamble. The Wheel of Fortune says it's risky but no reason not to play. When I draw this card I remind myself "Luck favors the prepared." 

This week as we focus on The Wheel of Fortune I suggest paying particular attention to where luck and good fortune are popping up in your life. See if you can count at least one lucky thing happening each day. It doesn't have to be major but try to view whatever is going on from a "higher perspective." See yourself as lucky. Start small and start early - I bet by the end of the day you'll be laughing like Jupiter!

Good Fortune to Us All,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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