Tarot card number 12 is a picture of a man hanging upside down by one foot. From the expression on his face we can tell he is not suffering but is in a state of bliss. He has completely surrendered all concern about his earthly life. Instead he looks to his visions and dreams. It is a near death experience.
Focusing on this card today it occurs to me that there have been items in the news lately about Berry Madoff, the con man who bilked thousands out of billions and who is now serving a life sentence. In an interview with Barbara Walters he claims he had been living in hell for the past 20 years fearing he would be caught and now that he is in prison with no control over his life at all he has at last found peace. Even though I'm not pleased to think of this man in a state of contentment, still he does make a good example of Hanged Man Consciousness. He has given up everything and no longer suffering.
The Hanged Man follows the Libra card, Justice. The Hanged Man is associated with the planet Neptune and a feeling of surrender. This sequence informs us that when we realize life is just - and Madoff commented he felt his sentence was just - when we accept that every thing at every moment is in perfect karmic balance, then we can relax, quit fighting, surrender to the moment - and fine peace. The card following the Hanged Man is the card Death, which is why I call this card The Near Death Experience. It signifies that state of mind when one realizes resistance is futile but then rather than actually dying, the person is transformed. When the Hanged Man appears in a reading the message is to stop trying to control things, see things from the other side's point of view, "die" to the old life and then just go with the flow.
Because The Hanged Man is associated with planet Neptune, the planet of visions and dreams, where ever you find him in a reading there's a strong emphasis on other worldly fantasy. Will I become rich? Does my partner love me? Should I learn to dance? The Hanged Man would answer all these questions with a smile and a sigh but not much enthusiasm to actually make it happen. Sometimes a fantasy is better than the real thing.
This week when the Hanged man is around you may feel everything is in limbo and you're not sure what to do, it may be there's not much you CAN do, except "hang in there." If you must do some
thing, consider what you can do without. Give up attachments, give up negative thinking. Go on a 24-hour fast. Give it all up graciously. You may find once you've cleared some of the gluck out of your house, your mind and your body, your old world may die but you wake up to fresh life giving insights coming in.
thing, consider what you can do without. Give up attachments, give up negative thinking. Go on a 24-hour fast. Give it all up graciously. You may find once you've cleared some of the gluck out of your house, your mind and your body, your old world may die but you wake up to fresh life giving insights coming in.
Examples of The Hanged Man combined with other cards:
The Magician and The Hanged Man: Conscious + Dreaming - an artist who can visualize/create a better world.
The High Priestess and The Hanged Man: Unconscious + Dreaming - these dreams aren't ready to come true.
The Empress and The Hanged Man : Abundance + Dreaming - wouldn't it be nice? But look out, there may be deception.
The Emperor and The Hanged Man: Self-confidence + Dreaming - ooh, I wouldn't follow this leader.
The Hierophant and The Hanged Man: A well tested system + Dreaming - here you can let go and let God.
The Lovers and The Hanged Man: Fantasies about love and death - dangerous combination.
The Chariot and The Hanged Man:a trip may be suspended or without a clear destination.
Strength and The Hanged Man: The power of surrender.
The Hermit and The Hanged Man: Better not to share your wisdom.
The Wheel of Fortune and The Hanged Man: Things may turn against you, don't let it get to you.
Justice and The Hanged Man: Everything will balance out if you don't interfere.
The Fool and The Hanged Man: Lost in space, some folks never learn.
I hope you are practicing giving yourself and your friends readings even though we have only covered part of the deck. Just as we'd never get anything accomplished in this life if we waited until we knew everything before we started, likewise you don't need to know every card before you can start getting insights from the ones you do know.
So "hang in there" this week. I will be particularly interested in hearing about your dreams.
Rosada, EXT 2340