Sunday, January 15, 2012

Karma Crash!

We're dealing with work and repair vibes this week when the moon connects with Saturn and ends up in Capricorn. Here's what it means:
Every month the moon circles the earth and makes contact with every planet. When the moon  conjuncts a planet (conjunct means the planets are in the same sign at the same degree) it sets the foundation for whatever is to follow until the moon moves on to conjunct the next planet. Because the moon will be conjuncting Saturn, the harsh reality planet, on Monday, January 16 whatever happens after that for the next several days will reflect how well we've established our foundation, how well we've dealt with life's physical realities. This week ahead will be revealing just exactly what our true situation is. If we've been taking short cuts, skimping on vitamins, postponing car repairs etc., the Universe wont let us get away with it any longer. This is the week for getting the basics in order. Delays and disappointment are sure to crop up if we don't. This is the time to play it straight.
 Relatioship realities are also in the spotlight this week. Saturn is in Libra the sign of contracts, so many of us may find ourselves having to negotiate agreements with others. Finding the balance point may be particularly difficult if we try to go quickly. Slow moving Saturn wants all perspectives to be throughly considered. Resist the temptation to force a deal, it just wont hold. But take heart - by carefully discussing every one's viewpoint you most likely will come up with a win-win that suits you better than your original idea would have anyway. 
 This heavy-duty influence lasts through Thursday when the sun will enter freedom loving Aquarius and new people/new potentials will appear.  Have an attitude of helpfulness a few days longer while the moon moves through Capricorn - Saturn's home sign, so again the emphasis on duty - and then finally Saturday, January 21 when the moon conjuncts Pluto, the planet of karma we'll get our reward. Pay-off or pay-back will be coming quick!
Best Day of The Week: Thursday afternoon through Friday noon. The sun will get past a very limiting square to Saturn meaning roadblocks will be lifted and Venus will make a beautiful sextile to Pluto: Love will find a way!
Next week: Count down to December 21, 2012.
Let there be light!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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