Sunday, January 1, 2012

21. The World - Happy New Year!

Out with the old! In with the new! Time to celebrate!

These wishes are precisely the message of the image on card 21. The World.
 It represents the end of a major cycle and a time when everything flows in divine order.
Whenever The World shows up in a reading you can confidently predict that somehow or other, everything is going to work out just fine.

It may seem surprising at first to learn that the ruling planet for this most positive card is that old task master, Saturn. But rather than being seen as a cruel withholding disciplinarian, here he appears as a solid reliable friend. We realize that Saturn's lessons ultimately lead us to being self-sufficient and capable in any situation - able to dance on top of The World! 

 We can see this growth in consciousness in the cards by comparing The World card to a card we studied several months ago, card 10.The Wheel of Fortune.
The Wheel of Fortune shows the four figures representing the four fixed signs of the zodiac (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius) strapped to the wheel of life, thrown to the top one moment and plunged to the depths the next. In The World card, however, the four figures are stable and Sophia, the goddess of Wisdom - dances before them all.
The message is that where in the past one might have experienced life as being a game of chance where the rules constantly changed, now there is an awareness that life is a cycle with an acceptance of change and a joy in the beauty of it all.

Frank Sinatra said it best I believe in his song, "That's Life":
"You're riding high in April, shot down in May...
But I don't let it get me down, cause this old world keeps spinning round."

For those who have been following this tarot study since its beginning I look for you to see some sort of reward for your efforts this week. Expect plans to come together and new opportunities to appear. If changes have to be made they will turn out to be for the better. If there are difficulties, listen to Old Blue Eyes again:
"Each time I find myself flat on my face,
I just pick myself up and get back in the race!"

It occurs to me now that this card representing the rewards that come at the end of a cycle is an ideal image for the year ahead as we look towards December 21, 2012 the supposed end of a major cycle for all humanity according to The Mayan Calendar.

May this entire year be a celebration of your life!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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