Sunday, December 25, 2011

20. Judgement - Rise and Shine!

The Judgement card shows Gabriel blowing his horn and men women and children all rising from their graves. The card signifies rebirth and renewal. I swear I didn't plan this ahead of time - but what a grand card to be our focus this week as we end 2011 and look forward to a rebirth of positive intentions and opportunities coming in the new year!

Judgement is associated with the planet Pluto, the planet ruling death and rebirth, particularly the rebirth of faith. Although we like to think we always believe in something higher, something greater than the mundane world of work and routine, in reality many of us have forgotten our spiritual mission. When The Judgement card  appears in our reading it's calling, "It's not too late! Awaken!"  

With January first - the time for making New Year's Resolutions - right around the corner, let's intend our study of Judgement to guide us to evaluate our past decisions, particularly in terms of forgiving self and others.

Note the river flowing in the background. It is the same stream we first connected with at the very beginning of our journey with The High Priestess card, suggesting some sort of awareness of a stream of consciousness connecting us all.

If you are doing a reading for another and Judgement comes up you probably are dealing with someone who has had a recent "awakening." Perhaps they are seeing a common thread connecting their past experiences and recognizing how their own attitudes and actions have created their current situation. Advise them they are at a point where they can make some life changing decisions. All the pieces are coming together and their Judgement will be particularly clear at this time. If they need further guidance, suggest they 
reconsider forgotten ambitions and the possibility of renewal.

Bottom line:  It's time for fresh starts and new beginnings! Meditate on this card and make some powerful affirmations for the New Year!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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