To understand this card a bit better let's look at the sequence of the past few cards:
15. The Devil with the bodies chained in slavery could represent someone feeling trapped. I think of a child born in poverty with no way out.
16. The Lightening Struck Tower means something happening to shake up that situation. The child may be removed from his home and placed in foster care, thus giving him a lightening flash of insight into a better world.
17. The Star is the feeling of hopefulness - the child sees this better life and vows to make it his own.
18. If you don't know how to deal with a problem ultimately you'll try to ignore it. We saw this in the Ignorance is bliss!" attitude in the Fool. However, if you feel confident that what you are on the inside is stronger than anything you see on the outside - well, then you open your eyes and fearlessly recognize the truth. I think of the Bible quotation, "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me." The vision of something greater being possible gives one the courage to see things as they are now. So if in the past one has been in denial because it would have been unbearable to admit how truly precarious, unreliable and just plain messed up their life path had been, now after the experience of hope and faith being instilled with The Star, one can look at their world around them and see it for what it is and not feel afraid. So The Moon card actually means seeing the unpleasant truths, things like security is an illusion and there are no guarantees. Can we handle knowing this? Can we handle knowing the truth - that everything is in a state of flux? that is seeing all the instability and deception we didn't dare allow ourselves to see before. We can do this successfully if we have a sense of hope or inner purpose, or a strong sense of who we are. Without that anchor, however, The Moon describes a very dangerous situation - knowing too much.
When The Moon appears in a reading it portends there is some sort of deception going on. Let it be your cue to give your client a pep talk about ignoring what the world tells them they should believe and trusting their own inner knowingness.
Trying to fit this card in with the days ahead with Christmas around the corner, this is probably a good reminder to ignore all the advertisements out there threatening us that if we don't buy what they tell us Christmas will flop. The Moon says that's all lies and deception and that the inner spirit of Christmas will prevail no matter what!
Meanwhile it just occurred to me I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what my grandson would like under the tree. Now, I just realized, I already know darn well what he wants - he wants this creepy crayfish dinosaur robot! I've been resisting his wish because I think it's disgusting but maybe this card is an omen, a prompting from my inner knowingness to ignore what I think and get the kid what he wants. Yeah, that feels about right and with the Moon card your feelings are the only thing you can trust!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Meanwhile it just occurred to me I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what my grandson would like under the tree. Now, I just realized, I already know darn well what he wants - he wants this creepy crayfish dinosaur robot! I've been resisting his wish because I think it's disgusting but maybe this card is an omen, a prompting from my inner knowingness to ignore what I think and get the kid what he wants. Yeah, that feels about right and with the Moon card your feelings are the only thing you can trust!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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