How does this manifest in real life? My experience has been that when it comes to miracles and blessings we only acknowledge the really big stuff and disregard the little ones that are even more important for helping us stay on our path. We think if angels are real they'll give us something huge - winning lottery numbers! - and we discount every day miracles like green lights and parking places. And so we forget to acknowledge our angels, we forget we can call on them, we try to manage everything from our own limited understanding until inevitably something catastrophic happens like losing a home or health issues. Suddenly we realize we cannot control ANYTHING, that we must trust in Life for EVERYTHING. By recognizing that even the tiniest bits of good fortune are not of our doing, but come by Grace, then at last we appreciate even the smallest gifts we are given. To Appreciate means to make more of something. In times of crisis sometimes it seems like there aren't even the smallest blessings but then something comes along, maybe just an unexpected dab of toothpaste left in what we thought was an empty tube. But we thank God for it, we appreciate it, and when we appreciate our Higher Power, we are signaling our unconscious to allow even more, and more, and more, of these blessings in our lives.
Rosada, EXT 2340
So when The Star appears, it means appreciate what you've got - just as the figure is pouring water on the land - and appreciate the good things you know are coming - just as she also pours water into the river.
Now I would like to respond to a comment one of you was good enough to post last month with concerns about when we come to a card that obviously does not describe a pleasant experience. Must we focus on such a card for the whole week?
Absolutely not! If you find that focusing on The Devil or The Tower seems to be drawing bad experiences to you then put the card away immediately. My hope is that this exercise will bring you just enough of what each card represents so you'll be able to understand the card when it comes up in your readings, but no need to become an expert!
Furthermore, If you are wanting to erase an influence from your mind, put The High Priestess and The Fool our where you'll see them. They will quickly restore your natural equilibrium.
Having said that, I don't think anyone will be troubled having 17. The Star card supporting them this week. Indeed, it's perfect timing that this card appears in our study just as we are celebrating the Three Kings following The Star to the manger! As for wishing on a star, this is the time of year for writing wishes to Santa and also for sending cards wishing each other all good things. So it should not be difficult to get in tune with The Star this week!
I wish you all a wonderful holiday season,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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