After deciding to look a bit more into this a friend informed me there was going to be a talk on UFOs at our local art museum this last week. Such a coincidence made me think I was "meant" to be there. Plus I thought it would be good for me to go just to support whoever was giving the lecture. I live in a small town and we don't get much of this sort of thing. I remember going to something similar a couple of years back and the turnout was pitiful. I was delightfully surprised to find the auditorium was packed this time! Obviously the times they are a changing and the subject of spaceships and aliens is no longer of interest just to a few crack pots and psychics. ;-)
I was disappointed, however, when the lecturer went on and on about how government has tried to suppress the proof of UFOs. He argued that the governments of the world know the aliens exist but they are concealing the evidence for fear the general populace will go into a mass panic if The Truth came out. He claimed Big Brother has forbidden - on threat of death! - those who have reported sightings from talking about what they saw and thus they don't speak up and we don't find out what is really going on. I think this idea is is absurd! Sure maybe people freaked out when Orson Welles did that radio show years ago about aliens landing in New York but who really believes there would be such a reaction today? As a psychic I don't sense that happening and apparently not many others are still buying it either. So the next idea is that the evidence of the space visitors had to be destroyed because the the UFOs are so advanced. If they have mastered all the issues around health, energy, time-travel, etc. etc., no doubt the 1% that rules our world is afraid they would lose their power if the general public knew what the aliens could teach us, so again their existence must be concealed. This idea seems pretty silly too. I mean, even if we did learn their are space beings with superior tools and intelligence so what? We don't know how they do it so we're not going to stop using what we have. Bottom line: I don't think there's been a lack of belief in aliens because of a world wide conspiracy to conceal their presence - I think people for the most part haven't been interested because there hasn't been credible evidence. Until now - and here's where the speaker started to get interesting...
Rosada, EXT 2340
Since the advent of cellphone cameras, the reportings of UFOs have exploded all over the Internet. The speaker showed us pictures many of which are available on youtube. Google UFOs on youtube and see for yourself. Amazing pictures taken by ordinary folks who just happened to have their cellphone cameras with them when some foreign object was passing by. Or shooting by. The flying saucers seem to be able to travel at incredible speeds. There are videos of apparently mile wide space ships hovering over cities and then shooting off into the black night as fast as lightening.
These videos are amazing!And then there are the crop circles. Remember those? We don't hear so much about them anymore since they got debunked as being a hoax so the media has stopped reporting them but they continue to appear. Crop circles are beautiful patterns made in wheat fields. The designs are often quite complex. No one knows how they are created. At one point a couple of fellows claimed they had been drinking and made the crop circles by stomping on the wheat. However their story doesn't hold up. The plants in the circles were not damaged. The wheat appears to be folded - not squashed - and on its side still alive, still good to be harvested. Furthermore the crop circles have appeared in places all over the world and often several in one night hundreds of miles apart. Obviously wo drunks couldn't produce these masterpiece, but unfortunately their story was potent enough to convince many the crop circles were a hoax. Fortunately many have not been so easily put off by this ploy to grab attention and have accepted another theory: the circles were somehow created by UFOs. If this is true certainly it seems at last we have real evidence UFOs exist.
The talk continued a bit longer with the speaker giving his opinion as to what might happen next. Here he stopped talking about government cover ups and suggested it is not the governments who are suppressing evidence of UFOs - because obviously these space beings can make themselves known at will - rather it must be assumed that it is the aliens themselves who are waiting for the proper time for them to appear. Many theories abound as to when this might happen. Some psychics felt they were intending to go public a year or two ago but held back when some horrid television show depicted aliens as planning to befriend us and then eat us. Yuk! Anyway, my own intuition informs me the time is very close. Perhaps by the end of 2012. But the exact time is not important. What is important is why the aliens would want to come at all. The thought is that these space people want to help us. They are aware of our very difficult situation on earth - wars and pollution - and they are coming here to show us how to access the same power they possess, mainly how to manifest our thoughts instantly! But do you see the problem? If our current typical thought patterns were to manifest on earth now we'd be in big trouble. We'd be destroyed by manifestations of our own greed and fear! Thus in order for the UFOs to empower us safely we Earthlings need to be in a calm peaceful state so we don't hurt ourselves. And so the gifts of heaven wait...
Well. I don't know. It was a good lecture and I'm now interested in reading more about visitors from outer space. I just hope I don't become caught up in conspiracy theories. Be that as it may, the one clear and solid idea I did come away with is that we really don't know how the crop circles were created. I thought they had been proven to be a hoax but that's not true. They continue to be a beautiful unsolved mystery.
If any of you have a UFO story I would love to hear about it!
Meanwhile keep calm!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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