Sunday, February 19, 2012

Who Do You Trust?

I'm not a confident driver mainly because I tend to get lost a lot and when I do my sense of panic drowns out any Higher Guidance my angels might try to send me. Most psychics aren't like this. I have a friend who is very good with a pendulum. If she doesn't know which direction to turn she whips it out and within seconds it's swinging back and forth pointing the way. My late husband just had great instincts. Put him in a strange city anywhere in the world and within minutes he'd find the best jazz joint AND a parking place. But I'm a people person - I find my way by talking to other people and when I do I almost always find the people I talk to are somehow sharing my same experience. For example, in the past I've written here about finding lost items for people because I'd lost the same thing myself and their missing article turned out to be in the exact same place - like under their bed or out in their car - as mine had been. But when I myself get lost I seem to attract only other lost souls. So I pretty much leave the driving up to others and save my intuition for finding answers when I'm safe at home with all my astrological charts, tarot cards and I Ching books close by..

Sometimes folks ask why I like to use more than one divination tool. The answer is some callers only trust a tarot reading, others know a bit about astrology and feel more comfortable with the stars, and some people prefer getting a straight forward answer like the kind the I Ching gives. Also, different tools are better for answering different types of questions. Astrology is particularly good for predicting timing if you already know what it is you're asking about. But if you're just looking for a general reading, astrology can give you so much information you wont know what to focus on. The tarot cards on the other hand aren't specific enough when you want to know the exact time he'll call but they can be amazing for revealing his feelings and emotions. Even so, neither astrology or tarot are that good about telling you what you ought to do even when they so perfectly describe the situation. When we really want advice, the I Ching doesn't pull any punches. This ancient oracle comes right out and tells you if you're on the right track or off in La La Land.

I thought today I would give an example of how all three of these oracles work:

The question is, Should I Move?
My husband recently passed away and I am considering leaving my mountain hideaway and relocating in a small town.
I set up an astrological chart for the exact time I asked the question. This is called a Horary Chart because it is for answering a question vs. a Birth Chart which tells about a person's life and personality.

My chart had the sign Cancer rising. Cancer is not only my birth sign, it is also the sign that rules the home base so I feel this chart has something to tell me about where my home base should be. As I study it more closely however I see that Mars and Saturn are retrograde meaning they appear to be moving backwards. This tells me this is not a good time to be going forward with plans for a permanent move as I may change my mind later and want to reverse my decision. The moon is sextile Venus in the house of distant neighborhoods, a positive omen for travel, but the moon is also trining Saturn in the house of home and foundations, an equally strong indicator for staying put. No wonder I'm confused!  The chart seems to be cautioning me not to make any decisions I can't reverse, but that perhaps an exploratory trip would be appropriate. That Moon trine Saturn suggests happiness maybe in my own backyard.

Well, as I said, astrology can give you a lot of information but sometimes you need more feeling than facts. So I turned to the cards:

For the recent passed I received The Five of Cups - a woman in mourning who does not see there are new opportunities around her. That certainly describes me.
Next to it, for the present moment, I drew The World card reversed -  as The World indicates travel and it is reversed that seems to mirror my current feeling which is I don't feel like moving anywhere at all today.
Final outcome - The Two of Coins reversed - the considering two possibilities card. Reversed: I take this to mean i don't know enough about other possibilities to be able to choose.

This reading seems to echo what I saw in the astrological chart but here the emphasis seems to be on the importance of getting out to explore. Okay, this is true but I don't want to explore! what I really want is for someone or something to tell me where to go!!

Finally I consulted the I Ching:

I received 59. Dispersion.
The I Ching is a book describing 64 situations and how one should behave in each of them. Situation 59 is about being at the end of a cycle and it being time to do something different. "You need to break out of old ruts and get away from negativity."
Wow, thanks I Ching, you nailed it!

But wait! Do I have to move to get out of old ruts? Can I stay positive here? How about if I got a dog?  Ever notice how there never is one final answer? Each one leads to a dozen more questions.

Ah, but it's fun to ask. 
I'd you are considering making a move at this time please call and tell me where - maybe that's where I should be moving too!


Rosada, EXT 2340


  1. well I'm such a nervous driver I haven't even got my licence, and now I've lost my log book with all the driving hours marked off that I need to show the instructor!!!

    Thank you for sharing this lovely post, it sounds like you shared a great love with your husband.

    I hope next week you will share your thoughts about he pisces new moon and what kind of cycle that brings, last year for me it had some kind of magic.

    (ps. the amazon search box is making your blog background recede, its hard to read the text against the dark blue, I have a small screen so it may just be because of that??)

    1. Hi Muman,
      Thank you for your feedback and suggestion.
      This Pisces New Moon is a particularly powerful one because the moon first conjuncted the planet Neptune, the ruler of the sign. Thus all things Piscean - Music, Mystery and Mystics - are center stage.
      I'll have more to say about it in my next column.
