Monday, March 19, 2012

The First Day of The Rest of Your Life.

New moon in Aries March 22 - the first day of spring. A fabulous marker for making this coming Thursday The First Day of The Rest of Your Life!

I try to remember to write down what I'm doing on the new moon day each month because it does turn out that the energies I'm entertaining on the new moon come into grand fruition under the full moon. It's fun to look back and see how - yes indeedy - if a person is eating well on the new moon they'll be feasting on the full. Conversely, I've realized if I'm mad at anyone on the new moon I'm likely to be mad at everyone by the full! Thus I try to live the new moon day very consciously.

 As Aries rules all matters having to do with the self-image and particularly the head, this new moon in Aries will be a powerful one for making up personal affirmations for getting in shape. Aries also rules sports so March 22 would be a great day to initiate a physical activity that becomes a healthy habit. For example if you happen to go for a hike on this new monn you might find you have such a good time you're inspired to make walks a regular part of your daily routine.  

The over all emphasis of this Aries new moon is on empowering individual initiative with the ultimate goal of knowing oneself well enough to then be able to comfortably connect with others as partners (the next full moon will be on April 6th in Libra, the sign of partnership). Any activities that align with the ideals of Be The Best You Can Be and Do Your Own Thing should find support this month. Of course this doesn't mean your partner will be thrilled if you suddenly quit your job or take up playing the trumpet in the bedroom. Claim you freedom quietly but deliberately. Several planets are cautioning us now is the time but also to make haste slowly:

For example, Mercury, the planet ruling the mind's ability to sort and use information, has turned retrograde in the sign Aries, the sign of beginnings. This symbolizes we're getting a whole lot of new information that should point us in new directions, but also because Mercury is retrograde we're being advised to slow down and think things through before we react to the news. Thus you may be learning some startling things this month - maybe even family secrets coming to light - but if you act on the new information with an Aries' impulsiveness you may trigger more worries than results.

Next we've got Uranus the planet of freedom and independence also in Aries. So again the new insights Mercury is bringing us are going to be inspiring us break loose, speak up, speak out - the truth will set us free!!  HOWEVER...

Be aware Pluto, the planet of Life and Death and Transformation, is in tight connection to this disruptive Uranus intensifying situations and possibly making everything more of a crisis than it has to be.

So there we have it: sun, moon, Mercury and Uranus all in Aries and squared by Pluto making the March message Live Free or Die!  And yet.. if we don't take up arms right away, if we use the Mercury retrograde option to calm down, slow down, meditate for a bit, who knows? Given a little time things just might sort themselves out and... everyone lives free and no one dies!

Please Lord,
Give me patience and give it to me now,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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