What does this mean and how can we best utilize the energies?
Venus and Jupiter will be in the sign Taurus. Taurus rules the physical world - energy as solid manifestation. What we see in the world around us is energy aligned in accordance with how we have been directing it. The physical world is a reflection or a solidification of our own thinking. This sounds like it should be a good thing, yes? However although Venus and Jupiter are considered to be "good" planets, they can't always be counted on to bring us our ideal of what is good. Usually they do, but in Taurus they only guarantee we'll see the results, the manifestation, of our habitual thinking patterns so depending on how capable we are of directing our attention - do we focus on what we want to have happen or do we obsess about what might go wrong? - the result may or may not be what we thought we had intended. In other words, we may think we were focusing on the positive but if our emotional attitude has been negative or if we've simply let our thoughts wander we may not like the results. The optimist will see the donut, the pessimist will see the hole.
Which is why this week's line up of planets is such a great opportunity - it will be abundantly clear by next Sunday how our own attitudes have contributed to the creation of our experience. This can be very helpful feedback! Thus while there isn't a guarantee of bliss - indeed I can see from reading the papers this morning the fear mongers are making a major push to create crisis today - there is definitely the promise that this is the week we will all get to finally, without a doubt, KNOW and SEE how it is our thoughts create our reality.
Which is why this week's line up of planets is such a great opportunity - it will be abundantly clear by next Sunday how our own attitudes have contributed to the creation of our experience. This can be very helpful feedback! Thus while there isn't a guarantee of bliss - indeed I can see from reading the papers this morning the fear mongers are making a major push to create crisis today - there is definitely the promise that this is the week we will all get to finally, without a doubt, KNOW and SEE how it is our thoughts create our reality.
So of course this week I'm urging everyone to make a particular effort to call whatever happens a blessing. It may not appear to be one at first, especially if we've gotten into negative thinking patterns and have created some manifestations we're not too pleased with, but fear not! Mars is retrograde (that is, it appears to be moving backwards) in Virgo, the sign of work and self-improvement. Therefor even if what we see isn't exactly what we wanted to get, we will surely be able to see how our own habits contributed to the creation AND now be able to back up, think a fresh thought and turn things around - quickly!
Moon in Scorpio mid-week will be emphasizing this is no superficial project we're taking on. (Scorpio demands quiet and deep reflection to get to the core, the true essence of creation.) It's an opportunity to Know Thyself. Although I just predicted we'll be able to see results right away, this is an ongoing process - the evolution of our consciousness! - and it ought not be rushed. Indeed, we may find our quickest path to enlightenment right now is to slow everything down.
See somethings emerging you're not pleased with? Hold off responding to the manifestation - that just give's it more reality. Take a moment to bless the situation and see the opportunity. THEN consider how best to respond.Speaking of slowing things down, I should also mention that Mercury turns retrograde Monday March 12. Even though Venus and Jupiter are so encouraging this week, the planet of communication at a standstill may cause some slight problem of communication between you and loved ones. If you haven't taken the trouble to communicate your special love for your partner recently you may see some manifestation of distress. (Healing tip: Venus in delicious Taurus and the moon in intense Scorpio suggests dark chocolate!) Or on the other hand, problems may have arisen due to one of you pushing your own agenda too forcefully and now it's necessary to ease off and re-establish a foundation of friendship before trying to take things to the next level..
In conclusion, these powerful planets in Taurus and Scorpio don't promise we'll necessarily get what we think we want but they do suggest this week can be a time of deepening awareness of how universal forces work and particularly their mysterious potential for attracting beneficial, protective energies for manifesting. Then as we recognize how this all happens we can create what is truly our heart's desire - that is to be active participants in creating a peaceful loving world.
Know thyself - because you're the one creating all this!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340
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