Sunday, May 20, 2012

Gemini Sun and The Living is Easy.

Sun and Venus in Gemini this next month or so means fun and games - particularly card games and very particularly for those of us with a metaphysical bent - reading card games.
If you don't have a Tarot deck, don't worry. Gemini makes everything easy and today I'm going to make learning to read cards very easy using just an ordinary deck of playing cards.

To do readings with a regular deck you only need to know a few basic facts: the meanings of the suits and the meanings of the numbers. When you have these down - which should take you less than an hour - you can quickly intuit the meaning of all 52 cards in the deck. 

The standard deck of cards is divided into four suits (plus the joker which we will discuss separately), Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds and Spades.
Each suit deals with one area of our lives. 

HEARTS are easy to remember. Any card from the suit of Hearts is about feelings, love and relationships.

CLUBS deal with mental pursuits, ideas and the desire for knowledge and thus can refer to studies, discussions and even arguments.

DIAMONDS are about money of course. The desire for money, ideas for making money, financial projects etc. Diamonds can also be refering to physical things, possessions and what money can buy.

SPADES mean energy, how we use our energy (work) and our level of energy (health). Having something "in spades" means intense energy surrounds the subject.

Each suit contains ten cards and three court cards. The numbers  1 - 9  indicate levels of experience (1, Beginnings - 9, Endings) and 10 represents success. The court cards can represent mastery in their suit and also specific people.

The meanings  of the numebers:

Ace: Beginnings.
Two: Couples.
Three: Creativity (Think two loving people create a third, a child)

Four: Stability
Five: Change
Six: Harmony (Think balancing stability and change.)

Seven: Spiritual awareness, mental power.
Eight: Physical power.
Nine: Endings, completion.

Ten: Mastery. (Think of 10 as meaning understanding of all the numbers 1-9)

Court cards:
Jack: A young energetic person trying new things, Creativity in the area  of the suit.
Queen: An adult female. Self mastery in the area of the suit.
King: An adult male. Mastery over others, authority, in the area of the suit.

Now you are ready to start combining the meanings of the suits with the meanings of the numbers. Here are some examples to get you launched:

ACES mean beginnings or  maybe  just  the desire  for a new beginning.
Ace  of  Hearts  :  New  love.  Could be a  new romance, a new child  or a new interest  if you are  passionate  about  it.
Ace  of  Clubs  :  New  idea. Could  be birth  of  a  new mental project - like  an idea  for  a  story  - or  a  new mental interest..
Ace of  Diamonds: New  money  or  a  new  source  of money, like  a new job. Since this is an Ace, meaning beginnings, this could be seed money  for a new project  that  needs  further developement.
Ace of  Spades: New beginings  in Spades! Most powerful card in the deck! Total  transformation. Death  and Rebirth.

TWO  is all  about  pairs.
Two  of Hearts : A pair of lovers. Soul mates. Two  hearts beat  as one..
Two  of Clubs: A pair  of ideas  - discussion, studying, even arguing.
Two  of  Diamonds: Two  possessions circling  about  each  other. Trading, negotiating. Two separate  worlds  that do not  easily dissolve into one world.
Two of Spades: Intense partnership. Usually a good card meaning two people who co-operate well together or could indicate indecision where alternatives are being carefully weighed.

I'll be giving you more examples next week. Meanwhile there is a new moon in Gemini today - a very encouraging omen for ultimate success in learning - and using - this method of card reading!

Easy Does It,

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