Monday, May 14, 2012

Where are They Now?

Can you believe we're half way through May already? Whew, time really is speeding up this year! I think we can all use a brief refresher on what signs the planets are in now and what that means for the week ahead:

Apollo, the sun god, is almost through his annual visit to the Garden of Eden - the sign Taurus. Don't delay visiting some fabulous garden yourself this week and bring some flowers into your own space!

The messenger god, Mercury, is also in Taurus now. Supposedly Mercury is not at his best in this setting. He likes ideas that can be communicated quickly and Taurus has a way of slowing things down. Still you may find that conversations held in an actual garden go pretty well. Just breathe deep and get comfortable with long thoughtful pauses.

This week the goddess Venus cruises through Gemini the sign ruling neighbors and close friends. Venus in your neighborhood encourages lots of gossip and flirtation. Venus turns retrograde Tuesday meaning she'll be bringing old loves back in for a second look.

Mars, the god of war is in Virgo, the sign of work and health. Whatever you are doing, have an attitude that you are tackling a job you enjoy doing and you'll tap into the energy of this helpful friend.

Jupiter, that jolly old soul, is blessing us with a visit in Taurus too these days. Another confirmation that outside close to nature is the place to be.

Saturn, the god in charge of seeing to it we fulfill our responsibilities continues his retrograde slog through Libra and partnerships making sure all our promises are up to date before we go any further. It may feel like we are sooo close to reaching some sort of final commitment/agreement - papers being signed etc. - but the negotiations may drag out until Saturn finally turns direct the end of June. Don't try to force things to completion before then.

Uranus, moving through Aries, is shaking things up demanding individuals stand up for their rights. 

Neptune, strong in Pisces, is amplifying our awareness of our psychic ability. 

Pluto, connecting with Mercury and Mars this week, could create some trouble as he encourages strong opinions and argumentative speeches. Direct your focus to things that matter and avoid endless debate.

New Moon in Gemini coming up on Sunday. Make a point of being on good terms with your neighbors and siblings that day and you'll reap the benefits all month.

Looking at how so many of the gods are going to be hanging out in the Taurus/Garden this week makes me think this would be a great time for a neighborhood block party. Or as Mars in Virgo would say, "It's a tough job but some body's got to do it!"

Have a good one,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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