Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Storm Ends and All Nature Rejoices

How'd everybody do with the Venus square Saturn last Saturday, November 3rd? It culminated in the morning - that means it was exact - but aspects can continue to resonate for hours or even days so it wasn't surprising to hear folks were having some difficult real life experiences - Saturn - with their relationships - Venus - until far into the night. The tricky thing when Saturn is involved, is that there often are some legitimate grievances to be aired, but with that harsh Venus aspect people aren't at their diplomatic best. In my world I was witness to a friend suddenly demanding that her room mate kick in her share of the rent right in the middle of a dinner party! It was a legitimate request but it could have been handled better... Venus has moved on now but it is still within "orb" of Saturn. That means it's close enough for the negative effects of this aspect still to be felt.
Note to self:  be consciously on best behavior through rest of week..

Which brings us to the next major astrological happening: Mercury changing direction on November 6, Election Day!

The last time Mercury changed direction on Election Day was in 2000 (Bush vs. Gore), and we all remember that mess. It took 35 days before we knew who the next president was!

Back in 2000 Mercury was changing from retrograde to direct whereas this time Mercury will be going from direct to retrograde. It wont happen until the end of the day. I wonder if it will manifest as people feeling they couldn't get to the polls in time? Perhaps we'll hear talk that due to the recent hurricane Sandy voting should be extended for several days.

Speaking of Sandy, the Sabian Symbol for the three-quarter moon falling on Tuesday is "A Storm Ends and All of Nature Rejoices!" Sounds like a positive omen for recovery not just from the recent weather, but also that everyone will be relieved when this exhausting presidential campaign is finally over. Maybe this Sabian Symbol is promising that even with Mercury changing directions and all the whispering we've heard about possible election irregularities, the final outcome will be clear with an obvious winner. Wouldn't that be loverly? Well, if nothing else astrologers will learn something about the effects of Mercury turning retrograde.

The other major planetary event to be mindful of this week is coming up Saturday, November 10. The moon will square Pluto and then we head for a Solar Eclipse. This means Use Caution! Now is not the time for initiating new projects. Stick to following up on matters begun before October 31.

Well, we've had some difficult aspects this last month but I don't want this blog to turn into a warning of doom and gloom! So how can we protect ourselves when the general vibe tends to be negative? If you've been a regular reader of this column you know I encourage getting rid of negativity by cleaning the house and getting rid of clutter. This helps because we tend to resonate with our surroundings and thus if our surroundings are confused we find our own thinking getting scattered. But is there anything more powerful we can do? Something more immediate? Absolutely! Simply find something positive to resonate with! First turn off the news - it's designed to make you feel anxious and impotent and then turn on the Classical Music station. Vivaldi, Mozart, Beethoven  etc can lift your vibration so fast you just might win the lottery. Seriously, I have a friend who always plays Mozart on the car radio when on her way to play Bingo and she swears that's why she wins so many jackpots.
Next, see if there is something you can do for someone else - this instantly opens your channel to blessing and abundance. 
And finally, let's just do what the stars are telling us to do this week:



Rosada, EXT 2340

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