Monday, November 19, 2012

Synchronicity Happens!

One of the delightful signs you're in tune with the times is seeing all sorts of synchronistic events manifest: For example, just as you 're thinking of someone, they phone, or you start to say something and someone else  starts talking too - and expresses the exact same thought, or you're needing something and it appears without effort and so forth. These "freak accidents" are supposedly going to be coming more and more common now as we approach Dec. 21, 2012 - the date set for humanities great leap of understanding - of seeing that we are all connected, we are all indeed one. As this date approaches you may enjoy noting the increasing syncronicities in your life.

Meanwhile, "Hunters shooting at wild ducks" was the Sabian Symbol for the New Moon on Tuesday November 13. When I posted this last week I wondered if there would be some sort of terrorist attack on Election Day. Fortunately there was none but I personally had a sort of hunter/wild duck experience I can link to that day. Or actually to the night before, because it happened on the eve of the New Moon but I still count it as a hit because these planetary happenings are allowed a day or two of "orb". Orb means the length time the planets are orbiting close enough to each other to trigger an event. Thus a predicted event may not happen just at the moment an aspect is exact but hours or days ahead or behind the exact moment if the planets are still "in orb" of each other.

In my case, my Hunters Shooting Wild Ducks experience happened about 12 hours before the New Moon when there was a dramatic outburst on our street with a lot of yelling and eventually police/hunters appearing and arresting a flock of party revelers/wild ducks. However, I consider that a bit of a stretch to say this brief outburst was a significant connection to the Sabian Symbol. Perhaps there will be something more about Hunters and Wild Ducks before the month is over - on the full moon, maybe? - but meanwhile some astrologers also find the Sabian Symbol before the exact degree  meaningful and thus after checking out the new moon degree of Scorpio 22, I looked at the previous symbol, the one for Scorpio 21: A Soldier Resigns His Commission As a Beautiful Woman Clings to Him. Wowza! Doesn't that sound like last week's General Petraeus affair? 

Next Sabian symbol to watch for: The first quarter moon will be on Tuesday, November 20 at 29 degrees Aquarius. The Symbol for this degree is " A caterpillar coming out of a chrysalis." What a wonderful image for awakening! For me personally it is significant because I will be coming out of an airplane  just about then as I am going to visit my son's family for Thanksgiving. As this will be our first Thanksgiving together since his father, my husband, died last year it is very strengthening to have this Sabian vision of rebirth and new potential.

Now just to be on the safe side I figure we ought to take a look at the image for 28 Aquarius also. Turns out it's "Logs providing heat for the winter." Well, given that we're already experiencing snow in many parts of the country I suspect this picture will be resonating with quite a few souls.

Other significant aspects to watch for this week:

The moon will be in Pisces most of Thanksgiving Day - great for creative cooking and certainly for being aware of our many blessings.

Mars in Capricorn will be squaring Uranus until early Friday morning - The best laid plans may go awry. Capricorn says Organize and Prepare, but then relax and be open to Uranus' Unexpected Opportunities.

Finally we round out the week with the moon in Taurus opposing Saturn in Scorpio on Sunday, November 25. Could be time for getting even more creative with the Thanksgiving leftovers...

Coming Up Next Month!!!
We're in the final weeks before the much anticipated consciousness shift/uplift happening December 21, 2012!!! Have you been thinking about ways to commemorate the date? As the key idea is that this day marks the completion of a major cycle of time and we are reuniting and remembering our one-ness, any activity that brings people together to form a group experience is appropriate. Activities that honor our diversity yet show our connectedness should be particularly successful. Playing music together is a wonderful way for the many to become one.

OMG, just as I wrote the above line my neighbor came out on his porch and began playing his recorder! Am I synchronized or what?

Maybe you'll feel like listening to some music now too. It's the easiest road to paradise!

Happy days,


Rosada, EXT 2340

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