Sunday, January 27, 2013

Jupiter Turns Direct in Gemini

Have you ever read your horoscope for the day, taken in all the words of advice and then gone out and gotten into exactly the sort of trouble the stars were trying to warn you about? I think we do this because either we don't remember the warnings - studies show we forget more than half of what we read within eighteen minutes! - or we don't recognize what the oracle meant until it's too late OR perhaps the problem is that by reading about potential difficulties we are actually giving them energy. With this thought in mind I am going to look at the stars this week with an eye just on the opportunities:

The Moon will be in Virgo making a lovely trine to Pluto on Tuesday, January 29 and then a trine to Venus before leaving the sign on Wednesday, January 30. This gives a fail-safe window for socializing but even better, use this moment to do a few good deeds - your investment will pay off big and soon because...

Jupiter turns direct Wednesday, January 30. Jupiter has been retrograde in Gemini for the last four months delaying good karma or shall we just say a lot of our blessings have been very heavily disguised? Anyway, once The Great Protector gets moving full speed ahead we should see some of the promises of Dec. 21, 2012 starting to show up. Jupiter key words include Abundance, Justice, and Forgiveness. I've made a Cosmic To Do List of these words and I intend to watch for their manifestation!

Thursday night the Moon will be in Libra trining the Sun and then it will move on to trine Mercury all day Friday. A lot could be easily accomplished with this Sun/Mercury connection. Clear (Sun) Thinking (Mercury) gets the job done!

Okay, I didn't want to say anything the least bit negative in this column but I would be remiss if I didn't mention Mars will be changing signs and leaving Aquarius Friday evening February 1. Once in Pisces Mars is apt to be much more introspective and a lot less eager to jump and fetch. With so many helpful aspects earlier in the week I would use this "warning" as a heads up to get the chores out of the way before Friday and leave your weekend open. When Mars teams up with dreamy Neptune you're not going to want to follow any To Do List at all.

Coming soon:
Next week is the beginning of the Chinese Year of The Snake. 
Call me now for Feng Shui tips on what you can do to properly align your home with the marvelous opportunities Snake years bring.


Rosada, EXT 2340

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