Sunday, February 3, 2013

Happy Chinese Year of The Water Snake!

The Chinese have some of the richest and most colorful traditions in the world. One of their most anticipated celebrations is the Chinese New Year. It is held each year on the day of the Aquarian New Moon which this year falls on February 10. As Aquarius promotes groups and friendship and diversity it seems particularly fitting that each year this celebration honors a different animal from the group of twelve that make up the Chinese calendar. This year the spotlight is on The Snake.

In Chinese astrology each year is associated with an element. 2013 is associated with the element Water making 2013 is The Year of The Water Snake.

Each animal is also associated with an element. The Snake's element is Fire.

Thus we have Water for the year element and Fire for the animal element. To find out what sort of year it is going to be we look to see how the year element and the animal element interact. As Fire and water are extreme opposites, the prediction is that this year will be filled with many extreme opposites of both good and bad luck. Also since the elements oppose each other and since Fire represents authority and Water represents unrelenting demands, there are bound to be power struggles happening on all levels. 

Fire opposing Water = Authority opposing Demands = Disagreements.

Interesting how similar that sounds to what we've been hearing in Western astrology about Uranus confronting Pluto creating rebellion and revolution. Amazing how very different systems of divination come up with the same predictions!

With Fire confronted by Water, those holding traditional authority - governments, bosses, parents - will not be in a powerful enough position to automatically have things go their way. Indeed, the stronger our position the more likely we'll have to consider someone's opposite points of view. This year it will be very important to be ready to listen and compromise. If power struggles come up in your life personally it may help to intentionally look for the valuable qualities in the other - We can't live with out Fire! We can't live without Water! Augment what is positive and the differences then become comparatively trivial. The solution to this Fire/Water combination is to develop a sense of proportion. 

 Bottom line: Beware taking your power for granted this year. Anyone attempting to put their foot down on a water snake is going to get bit! 

Feng Shui tips for the New Year:

Get ready for your Close-Up. Traditionally one wants to start the new year with a fresh clothes and a clean house. If you can't clean your house from toe to tip before the big Celebration Day arrives at least clean your wallet and purse. We store our most valuable treasures in these things and having them up to date and clear of clutter sends a strong signal to The Universe that we are valuable ourselves.

The Snake's tongue is used both for eating and speaking. Treat yourself to a new toothbrush to keep your mouth AND your words clean and bright.

To guarantee prosperity in your future, give the children in your life gifts of money presented in bright red envelopes. Watch for your investment to be returned ten fold!

For a personal feng shui reading give me a call.

Gung Hei Fat Choy!
Eat well and Prosper!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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