The fellow - I'll call him Tom - had been born into a family that practiced a religion which demanded total allegiance to the group's beliefs. They were so adamant about this that if any member questioned the beliefs they would be "dis-fellowshipped," meaning all the other members of the sect would be forbidden to associate with the person ever again. Since this was the environment Tom grew up in, the group's religious beliefs - which might have seemed odd to others - seemed totally normal and acceptable to him. His mother however, had been raised in a different religion and over time the demands for unquestioning obedience to this congregation's ideas - which she never fully agreed with or even understood - became burdensome and intolerable. She stopped attending church. As a result her family disowned her. After six years her grown children were still refusing to see her and would not allow her to see her grandchildren. It was a major power struggle!
Hoping that I might be able to say or do something to open Tom to the possibility of a reunion, a mutual friend invited me to have lunch with him and a few of his church associates. We met, but I quickly recognized there was nothing I could do. It turned out it was only our friend and not Tom who had asked for the meeting and therefore Tom was not open to any psychic reading. I didn't blame him for that. Indeed, I make a point of never talking about what I see or hear intuitively unless a person specifically asks me - but what was really unexpected here was that Tom and his friends were not open to any conversation at all! We sat in almost total silence for an hour as each comment seemed to be carefully weighed to be sure it was politically - or religiously - correct. Afterwards my host asked me if I had "picked up on anything." Well you didn't have to be psychic to get that those fellows were not coming from a place of joy and confidence! Their religion only served to keep each other mute and in bondage. I didn't get the feeling Tom really wanted to shun his mother but this group pressure was too much for him and in order to cope he had not only shut down his instinctive love for her, he had shut down his feelings altogether.
I had also been invited to meet with Tom's mother - I'll call her Judy - and so shortly after Tom and his friends left, Judy arrived. I felt badly that I didn't have anything hopeful to tell her about Tom, but it turned out I needn't have worried. Unlike her son, Judy had not had to go against her inner knowing in any of the things she had done. She felt bad about not being accepted by her family but even feeling bad was better than feeling numb. By not denying her feelings she was able to mourn and then move on. She continued in her words and attitude to wish her son the best, but she heart had healed and she had found new friends to love.
This was a real eye-opener for me. We are so programed by the media to believe "nothing can shake a mother's love," and "true love lasts forever" etc. that I had assumed that having her son cut her off would have ruined her life, but this woman, a dear kind sensitive soul, had simply stopped caring about what her son thought years ago. How was this possible for a mother to stop caring? It's possible because contrary to popular mythology, Love is not a natural phenomenon. It can't be taken for granted. It must be created, there must be a connection and then it must be cultivated. Otherwise, like any other emotion, it dissolves and drifts away....
This was a real eye-opener for me. We are so programed by the media to believe "nothing can shake a mother's love," and "true love lasts forever" etc. that I had assumed that having her son cut her off would have ruined her life, but this woman, a dear kind sensitive soul, had simply stopped caring about what her son thought years ago. How was this possible for a mother to stop caring? It's possible because contrary to popular mythology, Love is not a natural phenomenon. It can't be taken for granted. It must be created, there must be a connection and then it must be cultivated. Otherwise, like any other emotion, it dissolves and drifts away....
With February 14 - Valentine's Day - coming up on Thursday this week, it seems appropriate that we consider the ways we can create and sustain love in our lives:
Venus is in Aquarius now as it often is at this time each year. Venus in Aquarius promotes friendships and freedom, but not necessarily monogamy. Perhaps this explains why on Valentine's Day it's appropriate to send cards to lots of friends, not just your one and only. In keeping with this "Just Friends" attitude the sentiments on Valentines are famous for being funny, light-hearted and gay. I love sending out Valentines because unlike Christmas cards that often get lost in the deluge, people don't often receive more than a handful so each one makes a big hit.
Fresh flowers attract love. Give some to others and give some to yourself.
Supposedly burning red candles will bring back lovers who have strayed.
Feng Shui considers the far back right hand corner of the house to be the love area. Cultivate love in your life by making a point of keeping this area bright and clutter free. Put a picture of you and your love here or figurines representing a couple.
Most importantly, spend time cultivating love relationships. In spite of our supposed deep-seated craving for love, in reality we let almost anything else be more important than relationships: career, prestige, money - almost all our energy is used pursuing these goals. We think Love will magically take care of itself and thus we ignore it and it slips away... This week let's make time for love.
Rosada, EXT 2340
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