There's a lot of talk when a baby first appears about who he looks like and who he takes after. I like that expression "takes after". It implies that as children we were intentionally following someone, a role model. We didn't just grow the way we did at random. Nor were we blindly growing according to a genetically programed predetermined course. We grew up the way we did because we CHOSE someone to follow, to take out after, the someone we wanted to be equal to when we grew up. Now who this role mode may seem clear to us when we're young - little boys want to be Daddys and little girls want to be Mommys. But as we grow we become more aware of choices and options and before long we completely lose track of what it was we intended to do when we came to the planet! Fortunately astrology can help. Your astrological chart and particularly the sign on your tenth house of Role Models and Authority Figures shows us what we are looking for to pattern ourselves after in this lifetime. In a man's chart the tenth house often represents the father, a boy's primary role model. In a woman's chart the tenth house may also represent the Mother as she would represent a woman's female role model.
If you are born under the sign Cancer, you have Aries on your solar tenth house cusp so your role model embody's the energy of the planet Mars. You will look to follow courageous types and emulate those who initiate action. You want a boots on the ground leader who knows where he's going and who will cut a clear path for you to follow. Be careful of getting involved with those who are only out for themselves or of becoming selfish yourself.
Leos have Taurus on the midheaven so they follow a guide who has great taste and solid values. Leos look to surround themselves with reliable people who show them how to lie down in green pastures and get through life with a minimum of stress. Leo's may come in contact with negative Taurus traits in working for bosses who are stuck or appearing stubborn themselves.
If you are a Virgo you have Gemini is on your mid-heaven - you're looking to follow people who have quick minds and plenty of interesting ideas to share. You should take a courses in what ever interests you. With Gemini for your role model you'll learn quickly and never be bored.
Librans have Cancer - the sign of mother's and baby's - on the midheaven. With the Moon as your role model you pay attention to your instincts and look to see what you can contribute. Librans often feel overwhelmed by their parents until they become caregivers themselves.
Scorpios have Leo at the top of their charts which means the Sun is your role model. That may seem counter intuitive when you consider Scorpio rules secrets and hidden things while the Sun brings every thing out into the open. Perhaps it is that Scorpios prefer to ADMIRE a Leo role model while maintaining their position in the background - the power behind the thrown. If you are a Scorpio fashion your self after the best (Sun) in your business.
Sagittarians have Virgo's in the place of their highest aspirations. Sagittarius is the sign of travel and philosophy and seeing the big picture while Virgo rules the tiniest details. I think most of the Sagittarians I've known admire people who can handle details although they don't seem to have much love of that job themselves. So if you're a Sagittarian and you've got Virgo on the mid-heaven you may feel like you've got a nit-picking boss - don't let it get to you. Plus be careful you don't become too much of a perfectionist yourself!
Capricorns have Libra on the tenth and are particularly aware of relationships and admire people who have good ones. With the Libran sign of Equality on their midheaven, Capricorns feel they are equal to The Boss and will only serve those who treat them with respect.
Aquarians have Scorpio on the tenth house cusp. Scorpio's make lousy role models. They are secretive and don't let people know their inner motivations. With Scorpio on the tenth house no wonder so many Aquarians feel they never understood the rules growing up and just had to make up their own. Aquarians do best when they don't try to follow others and are proud of their ability to be self-reliant.
Pisceans look up to Sagittarians. Sagittarius the sign of travel and philosophy, is ruled by the planet Jupiter. If you're wise enough to make Jupiter your guide you will have a successful life indeed. Pisces knows if you trust in the abundance of the Universe and Jupiter will show you the way. Remember to show gratitude.
Just as runner focuses on the finish line, Aries knows how to keep their eye on the prize. Capricorn rules the finish line, the 10 house pinnacle of success for Aries. It's a hard path until you accept you choose Saturn as your master. He won't do a thing for you if you can do it for yourself and he's even slow to help even when you genuinely need it. Aries are likely to claim they did everything on their own and with Capricorn/Saturn as their role model they are probably right.
Taurus has Aquarius on the tenth house cusp and Aquarius is ruled by Uranus. Another poor choice for a role model, IMHO, because Uranus does what ever he wants and never the same thing twice. Stable Taurus may admire unpredictable Aquarius but as a role model Taurians are more likely to emulate Aquarius' slogan, "All men are created equal," and let everyone do their own thing.
Gemini has nebulous Pisces on the midheaven. No wonder so many Gemini people aspire to write poetry. Neptune's sign on the tenth house gives Gemini a love of the ineffable and the desire to be able to capture it in words. Choose who to follow wisely if you have Pisces on your mid-heaven. This well intentioned sign can forget the practical facts of life and make a better spiritual guide than real life guru.
If you don't know your 10th house sign, call me and I can look it up for you. Or just use the inner guide we all have and
Follow your bliss!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340