Lots of planets in Pisces this week: Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune and on Saturday the Moon connects with all of them. Wowza, that should be a full day! But we have to remember we're talking Pisces so visualizations and affirmations will be more effective than outward action now. You may appear to be doing nothing but trying to force results will only create resistance. Have a clear idea and show up on time - then watch and see if people don't pick up on the vibe and start seeing things your way on their own.
Wednesday morning the Moon conjuncts Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth. Make a note of what's happening in your world then - there could be some life altering insights. Wednesday afternoon Venus trines Saturn, perhaps an opportunity to make progress at last?
Speaking of Saturn, this planet Is very prominent and powerful in everyone's chart this year. It's at the first degrees of the sign Scorpio but it's retrograde until mid-July so we are all of us having a sense of new beginnings somewhere in our lives, yet there is also a feeling the new beginnings are somehow being delayed. Like we know the check is in the mail but the post office has stopped making deliveries... Saturn rules responsibility so with this planet retrograde there is the strong possibility that old promises and old responsibilities need to be fulfilled before we can move on to new adventures. Maybe you have some practical matter that needs to be handled, a parent needing help or a class you skipped that now you have to complete. If such is the case for you, relax and take care of business. There's nothing more important going on. Once Saturn turns direct you may not have another chance to go back and finish things the way you'd like.
Mars, the planet of energy and action is in Pisces for another ten days. Pisces rules music. The combination sounds like this weekend would be the perfect time to go dancing!
Pisces also rules sleep. Having the energy planet in this sign could stir up the unconscious. Seems like everyone I talk to mentions they aren't sleeping well lately or else they're having vivid dreams.
Pisces also rules sleep. Having the energy planet in this sign could stir up the unconscious. Seems like everyone I talk to mentions they aren't sleeping well lately or else they're having vivid dreams.
Compassionate Venus is in Pisces for another three weeks. Do unto others... Mercury in Pisces for the next month promotes poetry - read some or write some. Neptune will be in Pisces for several years - plant a flowering tree - something beautiful that attacks fairies,
Or best of all, be the perfect Pisces and just..
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340
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