Sunday, March 24, 2013

Life Within Walking Distance

I stopped driving several years ago when I had a series of seizures which I later figured out were due to the mercury in my fillings. If I clenched my jaw a certain way my teeth would grind together and create an electric spark. The shock would send me into seizures which I actually found kinda interesting cause while it's true I would pass out and then wake up with a screaming headache and occasionally a couple of black eyes, the jolt also gave me major out of body experiences - although I didn't so much feel I went out of my body - it was more that my body disintegrated like magnets flying apart when my mind went blank and no longer magnetized the fragments of light together. Then I'd either "awaken" with my body back around me, or sometimes I'd wake up outside my body - which was very, very scary - and sometimes I'd even wake up in the spirit world where I would be in a spirit body standing before a tribunal where I would be arguing that I shouldn't have to come back to earth quite so soon. But I guess it was always decided I had to come back cause I kept waking up here doing the Earthling Thing.

When I did return to my body, the physical world would seem incredibly beautiful for a day or two - colors brighter, sounds more harmonious, people kinder - but before long things would get ordinary and ho hum again. I think now what happened is this "electric shock treatment" gave me me near death experiences and then I got to feel what it's like to be "born again". These seizures happened over a period of about ten years and I did learn and see many things on "The Other Side" because of them. Then I guess my unconscious finally figured out what was causing the seizures, because one day I was guided to a dentist who recognized the source of my problem. So I had the metal taken out of my teeth five years ago and I've been seizure free ever since. The double good news is that  rather than becoming debilitated from all the shocks, I now have unusually good health. It's like my body understands now how to dissolve and recreate itself. Or maybe it always knew how but I was blocking it. Now I have no resistance to believing the body can renew itself, since I've gone through the experience of having it dissolve and then regroup so many times. I also can contact loved ones and other souls on The Other Side because of what I went through. The only negative of that whole experience with seizures is that during that time out I let my drivers license lapse. I didn't dare drive because although the seizures only happened every year or so, I never knew when they might. So instead I started walking where ever I needed to go. It really wasn't that hard to make the change and now, I'm not sure why, but even though I'm seizure free, I still haven't gotten around to getting my license renewed - maybe because my life  just works on the walking level!  When I asked the I Ching for advice about this it replied with  hexagram 1, line 4, "All paths are appropriate if pursued in virtue and at the proper time." A very reassuring comment indeed, at least for now. That last bit " the proper time." gets me thinking, however.  It may be time for me to get my license and start driving again. Meanwhile it's a beautiful spring day out and my inner voice is calling me to go on outside for a walk.

Before I go I need to give you a heads up about some jolting aspects for all of us coming on Tuesday and Wednesday. Mars in Aries will square Pluto in Capricorn Tuesday night and then the Moon in Libra will square Pluto Wednesday morning. These combative and confrontational aspects will particularly affect people born around the 2nd of the month but we all should be conscious of them and thus avoid the impulse to push projects through over other people's objections and definitely beware of pushy drivers. Everyone could benefit from walking this week!

Stop and smell the roses,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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