"Clairvoyance" is a term used to discribe information obtained by ways other than using the usual five sences. It comes from the French and means "clear-seeing." It involves seeing something in the mind's eye that is real - not a dream or something imagined. You are using your clairvoyant abilities when you consider a question but rather than trying to figure out the answer, you get a vision of the solution in your head. For example, if you had lost your bag you might ask yourself, "When did I have it last?" and have an image appear in your mind of the bag and where you left it. Even if you don't get a clear picture you may get a sence of where the bag is like, "It feels like I left it in the car," or "Something's telling me to look in the bedroom." The point is your attitude is not one of trying to remember, rather you are turning a problem over to your Higher Mind (Or The Elves in The Basement as I like to call them), and then putting yourself in a quiet state to receive. We actually all use this technique frequently throughout the day to gain insight into all sorts of questions - What do I feel like wearing? What do I want to eat? Do I feel like going shopping? - and it's not unusual to find our intuitive guidance often dovetails with a larger picture. For example, when we feel like it's a good day to wear blue we might notice all the folks at work choose to wear that color too. Another example would be it's suppertime but suddenly nothing in our refridgertor looks appealing. At that moment a friend calls suggesting going out to eat. Nothing looked good at home because your higher mind was alerting you to this invitation coming up. We could receive much more guidance for ourselves and for others too if we would just recognize that we all have this ability - and exercise it!
To help get you started I've put together a list of "tips" that I have found useful:
A. Join or create a Psychic Support Group.
Even just one friend who shares your interest will suffice as long as you talk to them fairly frequently. While many great seers came by their gifts alone and without support from others, if you are not so blessed I think you'll benefit from the group experience. If you go so far as to decide to take a class this can be very helpful - just know you should not be required to pay some absurd fee.
B.Things you can do for yourself physically that promote clairvoyant ability:
Take good care of your "instrument" (your body).
I've known a few wildly gifted psychics who could eat what ever they wanted, drink as much as they liked, and live the undisciplined life of a street urchin - but they are the exception. Most of us who are interested in developing clear vision need to have a clear body. In fact most likely the messages you receive at first will be along the lines of guidance for what your body needs. Be wary of messages saying "My body wants chocolate"! Actually, it's more likely when you begin to open your psychic receptors you'll realize your body wants pure wholesome fruits and veggies. In fact you may find you become incredibly aware of how depressed you feel after eating sugar, processed food and animal products. Eating a vegetarian diet of organically grown foods may appear to be expensive at first, but the pay off will come when you start hearing your body's intuitive guidance loud and clear.
Yoga and stretching exercises help relax the body and open you up to intuitive impressions.
Yoga and stretching exercises help relax the body and open you up to intuitive impressions.
C. Read for people and issues you care about.
Again, some psychics can tune in on strangers and read them like they're brothers but experience shows clairvoyant abilities most often work best when there is an emotional link between the person doing the reading and the person they are reading for. It's not unusual to hear of someone "knowing" the precise moment when a relative dies though that relative may have been at a distance and as far as the reader knew, even been in good health. On the other hand, a neighbor might pass on and if you'd never met them you might not even be aware of it unless you saw them carrying out the body. So practice by considering your various close friends and relatives. Ask yourself how they are doing. Note how you then feel - happy, sad, energized, tired? Even if the impression you get isn't accurate it's significant you got any impression at all! You probably wont be able to read for more than one or two like this without getting "muddy" at first, but if you do this regularly you'll find that your inner knowingness is becoming stronger and more clear.
Once you've been doing this on a regular basis - once or twice a week for a month or so - you should be getting some really interesting results. Not only clearer intuitions about the questions you have intentionally asked but also dreams, flashes of insights, hunches, warnings, etc. start coming to you unbidden. It can be a problem for some to turn it off! If that's the case for you give me a call. That or just eat a hamburger and a big chunck of chocolate!
I'll be talking to you,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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