Busy week coming up! Mercury changes signs on Sunday September 29, Uranus opposes the Sun on Thursday October 3 and then there's a New Moon Friday October 4. Let's take a closer look at what this all means and how you can best go with the flow:
Mercury leaving loving Libra and entering sarcastic Scorpio means communications can be intense and just plain nasty. It's going to hang there for the next nine weeks but it brings some opportunities for healing if we keep our cool. I expect a lot of hidden resentments will be coming to the surface until after the he said - she said dance slows down and Mercury turns retrograde (October 21). Then we may find we're able to back track and clarify and get on a the upward trail again. Meanwhile, keep your words sweet cause you may have to eat them.
The Sun is going to square Pluto October first and then move on to oppose Uranus on the third. Agreements made under pressure (Pluto) aren't going to last long with rebellious Uranus opposing the deal. Plan for change and be prepared to change your plan!
Finally we have a New Moon in Libra coming on October 4. The Sabian Symbol for this moon is Miners Emerging From a Deep Coal Mine.
Some of the interpretations of this symbol include:
Some of the interpretations of this symbol include:
Release from arduous labor.
Stopping work.
Coming into the light.
Stopping work.
Coming into the light.
Gosh, sounds profound. Maybe this October is going to be known for labor stoppages or maybe just in your own life you'll see where you can simplify your efforts and discover your true calling this month.
Make a point of being in a good place the exact moment of the New Moon (5:35 p.m. eastern time). Then watch and see if you find this energy expands in your life all month long.
Make a point of being in a good place the exact moment of the New Moon (5:35 p.m. eastern time). Then watch and see if you find this energy expands in your life all month long.
Let me know your experiences!
Rosada, EXT 2340