Pluto will be turning direct Friday, September 20 just before 9 degrees Capricorn- exactly where it was last December when the Mayan Calendar predictions had us all anticipating major change here on planet earth. Many who had anticipated death and destruction and spent their life savings moving to obscure locations to avoid the coming of Sodom and Gomorrah ended up feeling they had been the victims of a hoax. However those of us who interpreted the dates as only a heads up that major change lies ahead, continue to watch world events with an eye for signs of a shift in cosmic consciousness. Like many of you I too have felt this year seems to have had an unprecedented amount of mind blowing revelations (our governments secret operations, the fallout from Fukushima, the intentional fracking - cracking! - of our earth) and I've wondered, where is the peace and love the New Age is supposedly ushering in??? Well, perhaps we had to first see how bad it was before things could get better. Pluto retrograde means the dark god of the underworld was going even deeper into our unconscious and now direct it brings all that is hidden out into the light. That is what is happening this week. The God of Death and Rebirth has been illuminating for us all the dark decay and corruption that needs to be cleansed. Now as he turns direct we begin to see where the path is out of this mess:
Rosada, EXT 2340
The Sabian Symbol for Pluto's position - 9 Capricorn - is the image of a sailor feeding an albatross, meaning this is a time for overcoming fears through gentleness. Even seemingly natural "enemies" can realize the possibility of interaction and the joys it can bring. I think about the stand off in Syria and wonder if perhaps this is a positive omen for a peaceful resolution to the tensions there. Unfortunately when I look at the whole chart for September 20, although I see Pluto moving into this position that augers such positive potential, I also see that the Moon will be conjuncting Uranus that day putting attention on disruption and chaos. Those aspects plus some particularly difficult ones coming up November 1 - Uranus will be squaring Pluto again - make me think we're coming to a crossroads here where we have the knowledge to heal, but have things gotten so bad that it's too late to put knowledge into effect? Uranus predicts unorthodox, radical action. Our governments are pushing for military intervention. Maybe the most radical, and the most helpful thing we can do is to notify our representatives that we don't believe war is the answer. We are ready to Give Peace a Chance.
On the home front there maybe an unusual number of road bumps, glitches and misunderstandings in our lives this next week, but there is also a wonderful sextile from Venus to Pluto. By tapping into this energy - which is a fancy way of saying just be aware of it - we bring the soothing vibration of love into our lives and thus cushion all the other events and upsets rendering them merely curiosities and entertainment. So keep the faith. Believe! - which means Be Living the higher consciousness principals you know to be true.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride but we all get home safe.
It's gonna be a bumpy ride but we all get home safe.
Love will find a way,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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