Wednesday, September 4, 2013

All You Need Is Love

All systems are go this week with a Sun/Pluto trine, a Moon/Mars conjunction and a new Moon  September 5th. That Sun-Pluto connection says the need for change is obvious which leads to decisive action when the Moon meets up with Mars. By the time the new Moon happens in service oriented Virgo on Thursday the major decisions will have been made and now it will just be a matter of carrying through doing the actual work. 

What this means to you:
If you've been uncertain how to move forward, this weeks planets should help you come to a clear decision and once you make up your mind all the rest will be details.

Meanwhile, family matters attract attention this month as Jupiter in the hearth and home sign Cancer inspires us to communicate honestly with the relatives. Pour on the love and watch healing happen.

Speaking of love, we could sure use some on the international scene. Uranus continues it's years' long square to all-or-nothing Pluto from the Me First sign, Aries. This combo brings out extremes of positive and negative energy in each of us individually and creates a feeling of restlessness and a growing sense of urgency to act. This week it's the horrific goings on in Syria with their civil war and chemical weapons that grab the headlines. Once again the nation's conscience is stirred as we ask ourselves, do we have a moral obligation to intervene? And if we do, would our involvement help or would it escalate the fighting into an international war? The question involves a more careful analysis of the situation than we simple citizens have the capability for. The information we get is so spun and distorted that when I try to do a reading on the situation time and time again the cards depicting lies and deception keep coming up. Thus rather than spending our energy trying to decipher what Washington is up to, I feel our best contribution to the energy flow is to pray for healing for all sides.

So if you find yourself caught up thinking about the Syria drama, or any drama at all for that matter, tap into the healing energy of Jupiter in Cancer. Affirm that mankind is a family, we desire to be at peace with our brothers and sisters, and then do something in your own world - help a neighbor or a friend - to get the universal energies flowing in this direction.

While writing this I am hearing in the back of my mind the lyric's to The Beatle's song, Across the Universe:

Sounds of laughter,
Shades of life are ringing through my open ears, 
Exciting and inviting me.
Limitless undying love which shines around me like a million suns,
It calls me on and on across the universe.

Keep your ears open!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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