Friday, October 25, 2013

Mother Teresa and The Second Miracle

I got to attend a private showing of a new movie coming out next Easter called "The Letters". It's the story of Mother Teresa, the nun who started The Mission of Charities in India. It seems she received a vision and calling from Jesus to help the poorest of the poor. With no other support and less than $5.00 in her pocket Mother Teresa left the protective walls of her convent and went out into the streets of Calcutta to see what she could do. Although she faced seemingly insurmountable obstacles, she over came them all to eventually build a world wide organization of hospitals dedicated to the needs of humanity's lost and forgotten ones. She particularly focused on setting up hospices so these people would not have to die in the streets but in a clean bed surrounded by love. Her belief in the worthiness of every soul attracted the attention of  the media including one reporter who, marveling at her caring as she bathed a man covered with oozing sores, commented, "I wouldn't do what you do for a million dollars." Mother Teresa paused for a moment and then replied, "You know what? Neither would I."

Now the Vatican is considering her nomination for sainthood. To be recognized as a saint there must be two verified miracles attributed to the candidate. "The Letters" tells of the first miracle which was experienced by a woman who suffered from a tumor. She prayed while holding a picture of Mother Teresa and saw a beam of light shoot out from the picture and into her body. When the doctors next examined the woman, the tumor was gone. There is enough evidence to support the contention that this did indeed happen. The woman was in a hospital, she really did have a tumor and then for no known medical reason, it was gone. So that was the first and now we wait for a second miracle...

When I left the darkened theater and came out into the sunny lobby I couldn't help but notice the good vibrations. My fellow theatre goers and I were smiling at each other as if we had each personally experienced something very special. This seemed reasonable, it had been an uplifting tale and a good movie. What surprised me was that when I went out on the street people were smiling at me too, and for the next couple of days it seems every where I went people were inordinately friendly. Then what really was uncanny was the various synchronicities that kept happening. A friend who was staying with me needed a ride to San Francisco (400 miles away) and another friend called out of the blue to say they were on their way to S.F. - and would be delighted to have company on the trip. Later that same day the strap on my shoes broke just as I was walking passed a store that sold shoes - and they were having a sale too! A couple of other similar things happened and not just to me but also to my friends who had seen the movie with me. They too experienced various issues in their lives clearing up nicely - miraculously! - since watching the film.

This has me wondering if perhaps the "Second Miracle" of Mother Teresa will not necessarily be some grand and obvious event but instead a series of minor miracles like the above, simple things that one person can do for another when they open their hearts. As Mother Teresa herself said, "We cannot do great things on this earth, but we can do small things with great love."

Wishing you many miracles,
And love,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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