My mother did beautiful water color paintings but it was her wonderful Little Old Lady from Pasadena cartoons we all loved. She had a knack for capturing the essence of the senior experience and transforming it into the sweetest images. One of the favorites was of two women in a car with the lady at the wheel saying, "I'm blind as a bat, but thank heavens I can still drive!" It seems everyone could identify with that - which is actually kind of scary when you think about it! Another popular card that always got a knowing nod of agreement was a picture of a woman standing in the attic muttering, "Now what was it I came here for?" To forget why we came into a room is not an unfamiliar experience for us Baby Boomers, but seeing the card again today reminded me of how many of us feel we've somehow forgotten why we came to the planet altogether. We like to think we were born with a mission, that our existence has a purpose, a higher calling, but darned if we can remember what it is. Now some philosophers of course will claim the true purpose to life is to love and be loved. Or maybe it's to learn to forgive. But I'm talking more about concrete experiences. Did we come here primarily to teach? To work? To heal? Just what sort of cosmic contract did we sign when we agreed to manifest in a body?
Rosada, EXT 2340
Astrology looks to Mars to discover the life purpose. Mars is the planet ruling energy and ambition. Where you find your Mars will tell you what you are aiming for and how you go about getting it. Mars will also show where you need to consciously develop your courage - the area where you have the most self doubt which can only be over come by getting into the race and building your own muscles.
The first half of this month Mars is in Leo. Leo is all about the joy of just being. It rules children, creativity and the theatre. Mars here means people feel the urge to speak up, to be noticed, to feel their opinion counts. No matter whether they are right or wrong, Mars in Leo is committed to putting on a show.
Mars enters Virgo October 15th. Virgo is about refining Leo's performance. Mars here has a deliberate, cautious attitude. If a Mars in Virgo person appears wild and spontaneous you can bet it's only because they planned to be that way. Mars in Virgo came to earth to learn to slow down, get organize and perfect. "The only sin," a Virgo friend of mine once said, "Is to settle for second best."
For those of you who want to plan way ahead I will mention that Mars will be going into Libra in December. Mars the god of war in Libra, the sign of peace and harmony, is not the easiest place for the planet to be. People born with this placement often find themselves in situations where they want to create harmony but their very presence stirs up opposition. Perhaps this Christmas it would be wise to give your friends gift cards and let them choose their own gift!
I think it's interesting to note that Congress voted to shut down the government at this time of Mars being in Leo. Is it really necessary or are they just putting on a show? Hopefully this posturing wont last long. Mars entering into Virgo mid-month encourages finally getting some real work done. Also the New Moon this week is at 12 degrees Libra and highlights the Sabian Symbol of the miners emerging from a deep coal mine. I mentioned in last week's blog that this image portends work stoppages so I guess we shouldn't be surprised the shutdown happened. Unfortunately, like a miner smeared with coal, Congress will probably come out of this with a "blackened face."
Looking forward to talking to you soon - after all, that's why I'm here!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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