Is the American dollar in trouble? If you keep up with economic forecasts at all you are undoubtedly aware that we have been bombarded with such gloom and doom predictions for some time now. Until recently I didn't bother with these nay-sayers because I use astrology as an investment guide and I didn't see any cause for widespread panic. I still feel confident in our ability to ride out the current shock waves but I no longer assume everything will remain the same. Shift happens and survival means being able to evolve with the changes. The key planets forcing this evolution are Uranus in Aries and its ongoing square to Pluto in Capricorn. Uranus represents freedom and self-determination while Pluto rules power and in Capricorn it particularly means the power welded by governments and large corporations. In squaring each other they create conflict between the needs of the individual to be independent and the desire of government to be in control. When these two first squared off a few years back we had the beginning signs of rebellion with what became known as Arab Spring and the Occupy Wall Street movements. These shows got a lot of airplay by the media but because the core nature of Uranus is to be free and to resist any kind of organization, the movements were destined to dissolve or become embroiled in the same sort of power games they were opposing. So how can the individual be free of government control without creating another more controlling government? As always on this earth plane the answer is "Follow the money." As long as the large corporations and Wall Street fat cats have the power to manipulate the money the little guy is always going to remain weak. But true to it's rulership of computers and inventive solutions, Uranus has now come up with a scheme that may change all that. In the last six months or so "BIT coins" have become the latest rage and may ultimately launch a whole new world monetary system. When they do - or at least when the coins shoot up in value - you can say you heard about it here first!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Meanwhile there are a couple of major planetary happenings worth tuning in on this week:
Monday December 9 the Moon will be in Pisces, the sign ruling artistic matters, meditation and selfless service. It will be making a supportive trine first to Saturn giving backbone to our intentions, and then on to trine Jupiter and sextile Venus. One way to put these aspects to use would be to first get your tools lined up - Moon trine Saturn - and then let your creative juices flow. If you are sending out cards this year I bet if you do them tomorrow you will be inspired to write poetry!
On the down side whenever Jupiter is active there's the prospect of there being too much of something so weather wise we may see some extreme conditions - like unusual snow fall or flooding.
Mars leaves old maid Virgo and tries to get along in partner oriented Libra on Saturday December 7. Mars is the god of war so in peace seeking Libra he tends to feel stifled and frustrated. If you feel him urging you to give a quarrelsome answer, take a deep breath and ask him to help you come up with a more pleasant way to phrase your thoughts.
Meanwhile here's a thought:
Young souls play hard to get.
Mature souls play hard.
Old souls just play!
Have a great week,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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