Small child: What's are New Year's Resolutions?
Rosada, EXT 2340
Honest Father: They're a To Do List for the first week of January...
Ah, how true. Why is it so many of us can't seem to manage to keep our resolutions for more than a couple of days? And for that matter, what about affirmations and visualizations and all the other methods we are urged to use to change our world by reprograming our brains? Sometimes we stick with them, often we don't. Why is that? And can we really make things happen simply by willing them to? If it is possible, are there things we can do to make our intentions more powerful? The stars tell us there are...
Pluto is the planet that rules change and transformation. Wherever Pluto is active in the chart there we will find our most profound changes happening. Pluto is in Capricorn this year, the sign of structure and organization. Thus if we're going to see improvement in 2014 we must start by considering how we've organized our lives and be willing to restructure our habits in ways that are more than superficial. For example, if you are wanting to take a class and learn a new subject, the change is going to require more than just vowing to study hard. With Pluto in Capricorn real improvement may mean eliminating other subjects so you can focus, maybe even eliminating friends or possibly moving completely away from home and all the world you know to go to the right school. This is the year to be willing to do what ever it takes!
Neptune rules visions so having pictures of what we are wanting to manifest is a good way of tapping into this planet's ability to help us actualize our dreams. Neptune also rules feelings and things that are not solid and can easily dissolve - like hunches that maybe true but need solid facts to back them up. Neptune is strong in Pisces now warning us that even with a really strong feeling to improve, without a clear game plan our resolve will most likely dissolve.
Uranus rules upset and the unexpected and when this unruly god is active it's very hard to keep on a schedule. On a good day he can help you break out of old negative ruts but frequently Uranus is responsible for disrupting our best laid plans. However Uranus also rules friendship. Keep him on your side and your resolutions on track by having a support buddy you can call on when find yourself slipping.
Saturn is the great task master, the planet ruling deadlines and limits. He is in Scorpio now, the sign of death and re-birth. If you want his help keeping you on the path make up a schedule with definite dates and time limits for reaching your goals. You may find that yourself feeling compelled to complete these tasks because when Saturn is strong it seems like your life just can't move forward until you fulfill your promises - even if you only make them to yourself.
Jupiter in Cancer will be a marvelous ally for nurchering the new you. Family type support groups should be particularly effective.
Energetic Mars is in Libra for the first part of 2014. As Libra is the sign of partnership, this is another indicator that change can happen more easily if you align your efforts with a partner.
Venus is the planet of attraction. Where we find Venus we find what we are attracted to. Venus is in Capricorn this month as it often is every year at this time. With Capricorn being the sign of organization it makes sense that we are all so attracted to the idea of making resolutions in January. Put your good intentions in writing, perhaps even frame them in a lovely Venus picture frame and watch your goals become even more compellingly attractive!
Mercury can be our best helper when it comes to getting things done. He's particularly effective when you break down your goals into mini-steps and check off your achievements.
Finally look to the Sun and the sign it is in both in the sky right now and where it was when you were born. Different signs respond to different types of encouragement. A Taurus person may need to give themselves tangible rewards through out the year to stay motivated where as secretive Scorpio may not want anyone to even know what they are up to until the task is a completed. But what ever sign the Sun is in, it is always cheering us on to be the best we can be.
Here's to your best year ever and a fabulous New You!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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