I just now packed away the last box of Christmas ornaments. Whew. I love the holidays with the music and the people and the glitter but I equally relish this moment when it's all done - the leftovers eaten, the lights taken down, the decorations wrapped up - and I get to stare at an empty room with blank walls. It's a feeling of liberation! I was talking to a friend about this, She responded with a story of being a small child and feeling disadvantaged when she saw the extravagant displays of Christmas presents and packages she saw all around at stores and in other peoples houses. Her family could only afford small gifts and homemade decorations. She asked her mother why it was that God had seemingly blessed others with so much and their family was making do with so little. She said her mother explained to her that it didn't matter what they had in outer world material goods, that God gave people what they needed to feel the Christmas spirit within, and that some people needed a lot of stuff and some people could feel the love with very little, and that if she tried maybe someday she'd be able to feel Christmas with out needing anything at all!. She said this challenge resonated so deeply with her that from then on she intentionally choose to keep her material needs to a minimum so they wouldn't drowned out her ability to feel on an inner level. I think about this today and vow to keep this sense of peace and exhilaration and not to let my newly cleared space get filled up with clutter again too soon this year!
My second New Year's resolution is to eat better in 2014. I live on the coast of Northern California. Many of us who live here are into vaguely vegetarian diets already, but the news about problems with the Fukushima clean up and the resultant pollution to the ocean and the fish, has us doubly spooked. As a result we're becoming rededicated to the idea of reading labels, eating organically and just in general being very aware of what we put into our bodies. While discussing the best ways to get the vitamins we need without taking in the radiation we don't, my same friend mentioned she had recently been reading up on Howard Hughes, the aviator and creator of the Spruce Goose airplane. He nearly died in a plane wreck and later attributed his miraculous recovery to drinking quarts of fresh orange juice everyday. Most dismissed this as another of his eccentric ideas - he had Uranus conjunct the Sun, a famous signature for those who think outside the box. However, when you consider that a fresh orange would have the most recent of the sun's energy - the most current "information" - perhaps he was on to something with his insistence on the healing powers of fresh produce. Anyway, I predict that with all the fooling around that is going on with manipulating our food recently, 2014 is going to see a great leap in consciousness as people start waking up and becoming more discriminate about what goes in.
This all fits with the fact Jupiter, the planet that rules wisdom and philosophy, is in the sign Cancer, the sign for home and nutrition until mid-July. Thus this year appears to be shaping up as one where we'll become more discerning about what we surround ourselves with in our homes, what we'll put into our bodies with our food and I also feel we're becoming more aware of what we feed our minds. The constant blather of lies and negativity put out by the news shows is fast approaching it's tipping point. Jupiter the planet of truth, is moving towards a trine with Saturn, the planet of boundaries, and while it wont be exact until May I believe we're going to be seeing more and more people saying, enough already - we know the difference between Spin and Spinola: you can't fool all the people all the time!
To make generous Jupiter and setting limits Saturn work for you, use this break before we get back into the horse race (2014 will be The Year of the Horse!) to
Rosada, EXT 2340
detox your home, head and body - then fill up only with the things you know to be healthy and true.
Wishing you sublime success in the new year!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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