The Sun leaves limiting Capricorn Monday and enters the free-for-all sign Aquarius. It's as if we've proved to the gods we can behave ourselves and keep our word so now the leashes are removed and anything goes. Are you self-disciplined enough to survive a month in the fun zone? The Aquarian environment says "Do you're thing, no outside rules need apply!" How can we stick with our New Year's Resolutions without outside restrictions? The planets this week give us a clue...
Using The Planets to Create an Environment For Success:
Rosada, EXT 2340
The week starts out with a practical trine between the Moon in Virgo and Venus in Capricorn. This helps and even makes it easy to manifest desires. The trick is to remember Virgo attends to detail and improvement comes in baby steps. Thus if you have resolved to lose 20 pounds, this aspect says "Don't make the challenge too big. Celebrate when you lose just one!"
Tuesday there is a lovely air trine between the Sun in Aquarius and the Moon in Libra. This alignment favors all sorts of social gatherings and will creates a great opportunity for connecting with people who share your goals. Inevitably we all reach those places on our path where we feel we've gone as far as we can go. Having a support group can give you the vision to keep going. Weight Watchers anyone?
Mercury trines Mars Friday, January 24. Renewed enthusiasm kicks in!
Mercury squares Saturn Saturday, January 25. Harsh reality kicks back!
The power struggle continues with the Jupiter/Pluto opposition coming into effect on Sunday, January 26 - January 29 -an indication that expansion/improvement (Jupiter) cannot come without change (Pluto) and possibly a power struggle. How can we have "In with the New" unless we're willing to release, that is, to have "Out with the Old" to make room for it? In our diet analogy this could mean the realization that improved health doesn't mean starving ourselves for a few days and then going back to our old eating habits. True change will require throwing out junk food and then replenishing the shelves with healthy food. Then you have an environment where your New Year's Resolutions have a chance!
Knowing this show down is coming, use this next week to release as much as you're can on your own. It may be your New Year's Resolution requires eliminating unhealthy foods or habits. You may also find yourself recognizing old beliefs that need to change to get you where you want to be. Whatever it is you want to transform, the planets this week are offering major support when you..
1. Keep goals small. Baby steps!
2. Connect with friends who share your goals.
3. Know you'll have good days and not so good.
4. Design your environment to support the new you.
You amaze me!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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