Chinese astrology ascribes a different animal to each year and looks for the energy of that animal to characterize the energy of the year. 2014 is the Year of the Horse. Horses are known for their speed as race horses, for their endurance as work horses and of course for their love of freedom and travel. Thus with these qualities in mind an astrologer anticipates 2014 will be filled with of exuberance and non-stop activity.
This will be a year where all of us, in key areas of our lives will be called upon to get up, take action, and make it down the home stretch. On a global scale you might say this horse year is the year of the pony express brings the message about the reality of our issues. If group consciousness is ever going to call out the Calvary concerning global warning, governmental surveillance, GMO's and all the other things we've been in denial about - this will be the year it happens. Horse energy makes us want to gallup into action, to join in, to clean up, rebuild and improve our lives.
Along with ascribing an animal to each year, the Chinese system also recognizes an element, Earth, Water, Fire, Wood or Metal. The element for 2014 is Wood so we say that 2014 is the year of the Wood Horse. Wood has a vibration of stability and adds a sense of control and limitation to the otherwise enthusiastic Horse. Like a horse in a corral, Wood aids in walling out the unrewarding activities and people in your life and increases focus on what is valuable. With Wood less becomes more. Take out the trash and get more done with less effort. Economize - emotionally as well as materially.
Advice from the Wood Horse:
Everyone loves to receive gifts but Wooden Horses can turn out to be gifts that are more trouble than they are worth. Remember the wooden Trojan Horse and beware of extravagant gestures!
Advice from the Wood Horse:
Everyone loves to receive gifts but Wooden Horses can turn out to be gifts that are more trouble than they are worth. Remember the wooden Trojan Horse and beware of extravagant gestures!
Be willing to work but retain your dignity.
Be a proud stallion, not a worn out work horse.
Reduce stress and rush in your life.
Cool the pace.
Be a long distance trotter, not a race horse.
Horses need only grass, water and sunshine.
By simplifying your life you make room for wonderful and unexpected opportunity.
Horses travel fast.
Thoughts manifest almost before we think them.
Thoughts manifest almost before we think them.
Miracles happen in Horse years.
Fill your mind with positive thoughts, particularly on Friday January 31, Chinese New Year's Day.
Participate! Celebrate!
2014 is the year we came to the planet for!
2014 is the year we came to the planet for!
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340
This was super helpful to read. I have never understood the Chinese horoscope system before, and now I feel like I "get" it! Thank you!