My grandchildren live about three hours from me. Not so far that I can't see them now and then but definitely not close enough to satisfy this Grandma's heart. I've tried everything to strengthen our sense of connection including trips and emails and letters and videos but although that's created a stronger bond between us, it's also heightened the sense of separation.
This month the planet Jupiter is in Cancer and heading for a square to Uranus the middle of this week. When I first noted this line up I considered whether this might mean an unexpected visit (Uranus) from distant family (Jupiter, travel, in Cancer). But as the aspect becomes exact I see a different pattern emerging: various nearby friends and neighbors have been dropping by to invite me to their family events! I've been allowed to play grandma to their off spring and feel a sense of family even though we are not "blood." My conclusion is that Jupiter square Uranus is giving us an opportunity to expand family (Jupiter in Cancer) to include Outsiders (Uranus) - and to recognize that no matter what the outer appearance is, these stand-ins can allow us to experience the sense of love that we had been starve for when we demanded it come from a select few. By joining in with my neighbor's family I got to spend a wonderful day playing with three sweet little girls. I not only got to exercise my "granny" genes, but who knows - maybe we're setting the stage for the day my little grandsons come up and meet these adorable mountain "cousins"? Anyway, the message here is that Uranus and Jupiter are bouncing off of each other this spring and it's sure to create re-ordering in the family dynamic. If you are caught up in this shift I think the best advice an astrologer can give is, "Don't try to maintain the old rituals - release the past and love the ones you're with!"
Other powerful aspects influencing us this week and in the months ahead include Mars AND Saturn both turning retrograde. This is a big warning flag to slow down (Mars the energy planet turning retrograde in Libra, the sign of partnership) and to not take on additional responsibilities (Saturn retrograde n Scorpio, the planet of responsibilities retrograde in the sign of shared resources). Of course the world can't stop turning until mid July, but as you look at your choices as much as possible it would seem wise to not make binding commitments until after these planets turn direct. For example, a friend is traveling to India to meet a computer match she's never seen in person. Their intention is that they will marry! As you can imagine, her mother and I are hoping they'll not overly commit themselves right off the bat but get to know each other without any sense of obligation for a bit first. (Hmmm…just noted how the bride could be acting out the role of Jupiter in Cancer - traveling a long ways to be a part of a family. Uranus in Aries warns of culture shock!)
Mercury turns direct Friday. If you've been experiencing mix-ups hopefully this change means the communication glitches will resolve and information will again flow smoothly.
Pisces New Moon happens March 1. Ordinarily it's a positive to start new projects right after the New Moon but this month the Mars and Saturn reversals caution taking things very slow and carefully.
Slowly and carefully sending you lots of good wishes,
Rosada, EXT 2340
Rosada, EXT 2340
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