Monday, March 3, 2014

Uranus in Aries - You've Got The Power

The news stories and their predictions of eminent world war and catastrophe have reached a fevered pitch this week as the Moon opposes Mars and makes a cruel square to Venus. If the New Age teachings are true that say each one of us has the power within to restore peace to the world, now would certainly be the time for us to to demonstrate it.

I suggest we begin by considering the uses of adversity. What possible benefit can there be in hunger, violence, suffering? Well, let's look at this realistically. When confronted with seemingly insurmountable problems what do we do? The more we look at them, the more prone we are to feel discouraged, weak, suicidal. Okay, then what happens? The thought of death doesn't just end there, our minds continue to explore. What if we do die, just what is death? Will we continue to exist? Will we be met by friends and loved ones? Will everything be explained - and if so, what might the explanation be? By pursuing this train of thought we eventually find ourselves taking a much wider view of our circumstances, even to the point of considering our lives as a higher being might and indeed finding comfort in a celestial perspective. Thus we might say that the use of adversity is to force our minds away from a conviction that the problems surrounding us are somehow ours alone to bear and to then re-member - reconnect - with our higher power.

We have problems we cannot solve to remind us that God is here to solve them for us.

As we read the headlines about what is going on in the Ukraine and find ourselves feeling frustrated and helpless, recognize this feeling is a message from Soul saying, "This situation is not your burden, turn it over to God." We do not know how all the energies will play themselves out - although as an astrologer I see that retrograde Mars and Saturn meaning all fractions are going to pull back before anything extreme happens - yet we can find peace here right now in this moment. A friend made the comment, "Worry is like praying for the worst to happen."

 If we are enlightened we will put our attention on the best that is happening in our own worlds right now and let our prayers bring in more of that positive vibration.

Uranus is in Aries underscoring that the unique viewpoint of each individual has the power to alter the course of the future.

Accentuate the positive,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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