Monday, March 31, 2014

Did God Change The Locks?

Have you had the experience recently where something you've been doing for years with great success suddenly isn't getting the results you're looking for? Maybe the secret sauce you've been putting on the salad no longer gets the rave reviews or your best jokes or most powerful power suit simply fails to get a response. A lot of us have been seeing this happening lately and it's not our fault. God has changed the locks! By this I mean, the old ways of making things move and shake are no longer working. Uranus in Aries, the planet of upset in the sign of new beginnings is squaring Pluto in Capricorn, the planet of power in the sign of tradition. Result: The old keys don't work and everything is in a state of flux.

What to do? Well, until we get past Wednesday this week the advice is pretty simple: Hold you horses and don't take any chances. That's the day the Sun meets up with Uranus for their once a year peace talk. The ruler of the solar system faces his most rebellious off spring and one never knows where the dust is going to settle. In our personal lives if we have been tolerating erradic behavior or even just been pretending to enjoy things we don't for the sake of peace and partnership, this is the week we're going to find we have to say, "Enough already." Just please try to remember that the offending party probably doesn't even realize you aren't in agreement with them until you speak up and thus a soft word may be all that's necessary. If you do feel you must positively absolutely insist things cannot go on the way they have, be sure to have a clear vision of what would work for you instead. Right now the energies are more inclined to huff and puff about what's wrong when that's really needed is a suggestion for how to make it right.

Last week I wrote I was intending to put down in some sort of clear organized fashion my ideas for getting our lives out of the Hopes and Wishes zone and into the house of Having The Good Life Now! The first step, I said, was to pronounce everything in your current world Good right now. Some of you have told me this felt somehow phony and you had a hard time practicing this exercise - especially those of you who are going through some definitely tough times, so I want to take a moment to write a little bit more about what this step involves and why it is so important.

When we categorize things as "bad" we tend to turn off any instincts for creating improvement. We set ourselves up for a battle where we must defend our position that we are right and that things are bad. When we take this position any improvement actually diminishes us because if things start to become good, we become wrong! On the other hand, when we look for the silver lining - or even just refrain from complaining - we make it infinitely easier for improvement to come into our lives. So don't worry about whether you truly honestly and sincerely believe your life is miraculous, just get into the attitude of gratitude and let nature take it's course.

Tip number two :  This week think about what Enlightenment really means and what it will mean for you. Enlightenment means more light, more insight, things that were hidden coming to light. This is not necessarily a pleasant experience at first. The very reason, the only reason, we are not "enlightened" is because we have wanted to not know the truth. We've been afraid to see. I'm sure you've heard the advice that one should never visit the back room of a butcher shop to see what really goes into sausages. Likewise, there are things about every aspect of our daily life that we have resisted knowing about because we feared taking responsibility for them. Yet now in this computer age all sorts of uncomfortable truths are coming out in the open. If we are ever going to clean up the pollution and create the heaven on earth we claim to desire it's going to require opening our eyes to what really is. Enlightenment may show us we've got work to do.

So our first steps actually require a kind of tricky two-step. First, pronounce your life good and second, be brave enough to see it as it really is. It's probably a lot better than you thought and if there are things that need fixing you may be pleasantly surprised at how easily they can be fixed once we stop wasting energy worrying about whose to blame.

Let go and let God - He's got the keys!

Rosada, EXT 2340

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