Sunday, June 8, 2014

Moon Trine Jupiter: Making The Most of Your Opportunities

The Moon enters Scorpio Monday morning and proceeds to make one positive connection after another. Grab hold of these energies early because by midweek things quickly change and it's not going to be such an easy ride - but let's focus on the good things first:

Scorpio is the most intense sign and when the Moon is here she feels everything to the highest degree - and of course then we do too. Joy, passion, betrayal, nothing in small measure. How fitting that the latest big news story being singled out for our attention is about Sergeant Bergdahl, the soldier rescued in Afghanistan. First considered a prisoner of war and a hero, now he's suspected of being a defector. The facts are unclear and the media is using this story to stir up public opinion into a Scorpionic emotional frenzy. Astrologically,it seems the gods are offering us an opportunity to either be manipulated by the media's latest spin, or to withhold judgement and with Scorpio like calm wait and dig deeper. The Moon will be trining Mercury Monday morning so important information could come to light then.

Meanwhile, in our individual lives, if there have been misunderstandings this planetary line-up offers a time for frank conversation as the Scorpio influence will bring hidden facts out in the open.

 With this welcomed clarity the Moon will next conjunct Saturn, the planet of rules and limitations. The pairing could indicate people are ready to come to agreements and could provide an excellent time to make commitments. This positive indication is further supported by the Moon's final aspect - a trine to Jupiter. Honest negotiations should work out well for everyone. Perhaps a happy ending for Sergeant Bergdahl?

Not quite yet. Wednesday, June 11, the Moon enters Sagittarius, the sign ruling expansion, travel, philosophy and the hips. (I often tell people that when Sagittarius is prominent we can either expand our lives through travel, or our minds through philosophy, or else we can stay home and expand our hips!) This month the Moon here will be squaring (not good) Neptune before it trines (good) Uranus. Neptune's influence can fog and confuse so after the first days of the week offering clarity we now have the danger of new lies and deception - and a new challenge. Do we agree with the conclusions of our President or the media? The positive alignment with Uranus, the planet of independent thinking, now demands we decide for ourselves and not be hypnotized by spin. 

And there's no avoiding taking a side because Thursday June 12 diplomatic Venus has to make a harsh opposition to realistic Saturn. Bottom-line realities could be forcing everyone to abandon cherished fantasies of American moral superiority. In the Sergeant Bergdahl story, the Moon in Sagittarius will present us with hard philosophical questions. If the soldier did indeed desert but he did it because he felt  as he said in his emails home, that a true American would not randomly shoot children as the other members of his platoon were doing, what then is our position? Do we support a government that invades a foreign country and shoots children? Or do we wish we too could have the moral courage to put down the weapon and just say no? Stay tuned because the final aspect Thursday will be a full Moon in Sagittarius opposing the Sun in Gemini - beliefs will be made public with no place to hide.

Thus when the week ends with an extremely angry Mars in Libra squaring Pluto in Capricorn negotiations with The Powers That Be are not likely to run smoothly with neither side being willing to meekly back down. The concluding realistic Capricorn Moon opposing an extravagant Jupiter favors those who know the facts and warns people caught between a rock and a hard place may gamble more than they should. Whatever happens we're going to want to be able to say we kept informed and didn't let anyone else do our thinking for us.

Keeping it real,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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