Sunday, June 15, 2014

Venus Sextile Jupiter and Your Right to Be Rich

Summer Solstice Saturday June 21. This is the longest day of the year and the day the Sun goes into the sign Cancer. Supposedly there are more millionaires born when the Sun is in Cancer than under any other sign. I don't know if this is true or even how one would go about finding out such information but since I was born a Crab I definitely find the idea intriguing! Actually, it would make sense for Cancerians to be among the rich because Cancer is the sign that rules real estate and security in general.  Presumably giving these areas of life attention would tend to promote a healthy bank account. Another reason Cancer is known for creating wealth is that the sign also rules the emotions and certainly it is our feelings that determine our sense of prosperity. Today I want to talk about how we can enhance our wealth and abundance feelings.

First a story to illustrate how important our feelings are in creating the prosperous life. Some years ago a friend convinced me to buy some Iraqi dinar. Dinar is the name of the currency used in Iraq and one dinar is worth about a tenth of a penny. Speculators have invested in this currency hoping that when the war is over the Iraqi government will re-value the dinar to be worth more and thus the speculators who bought it at the low value will make  money when it is re-valued at a higher rate.. At the time I bought mine, the Iraqi government seemed to be stabilizing and people were certain the dinar would be increasing in value any minute. Thus, I very carefully carried my dinar with me and although I had only  about $100 worth, I FELT as if I was carrying $100,000! I did this for a week before I realized that a re-evaluation was not coming anytime soon and stopped taking it with me everywhere I went. However, the curious thing is that during that week when I thought I had thousands of dollars in my purse AMAZING things happened. Not only did lights turn green and parking places miraculously appear, I was given the best seats in restaurants and I was even bumped up to first class on an airplane trip. I FELT as if I were rich so I got treated as if I were rich! Rule number one for creating the experience of abundance is do whatever it takes to FEEL abundant - with or without the cash to go with it.

Some simple ways to jump start your feelings of wealth: 

1. Recognize your right to be rich. While we tend to think of money comes a reward for outstanding service and accomplishment, the reality is that money also comes to those who have done nothing to deserve it. Have movie stars really done anything so incredibly special so as to deserve their million dollar salaries? No. And for that matter, do the less advantaged deserve to be poor? Of course not. When we think about it we realize that money does not necessarily go to those who have earned it and often it goes to those who haven't earned it at all. Still, since on some inner level we do tend to believe money will only come to us if we "work" for it, it's important do something to make yourself feel you've got a right to abundance. It doesn't have to be a major accomplishment. Simply cleaning the house or being nice to your mother-in-law can make you feel you deserve the moon!

2. Dress for success. Seems like a no-brainer but how often do we put on grubbies letting our much nicer clothes hang in our closets endlessly waiting for a more special occasion? This reminds me of the one about the time Caesar was disappointed that the evening meal presented to him was not as lavish as usual. When he complained, his cook explained that as there were no guests that evening he hadn't felt it necessary to prepare a sumptuous dinner. Caesar reprimanded him saying, "Ah, but tonight Caesar dines with Caesar!" So don't wait - dress up - YOU are the special occasion!

3. Put energy into your life as it is.  Don't wait for a better opportunity. Work with what you have, from where you are right now. Do not assume that just because you start from scratch you're going to be scratching forever! When you put energy - attention, focus - into a situation it changes. This is natural law. Put energy into your life and it will grow and evolve. I had a friend who wanted to get a new motorhome. She was living in one but it was old and the interior paint was that awful burnt orange color so popular years ago. Her sister happened to give her a beautiful white bedspread. When she put it on her couch it lightened up the whole feeling of the place. It was still an old dumpy trailer but this small improvement inspired her to go further and to get some flowers for the front entrance. These  changes also brightened things a bit but then as her feelings lifted the real miracle happened = the next day an ad appeared in the paper offering a free well-cared for motorhome to anyone who would haul it away! My friend quickly answered the ad and soon had a home to match her good feelings. She had directed energy into improving her situation and The Universe multiplied her efforts ten-fold! 

To sum things up, begin building your prosperity by first recognizing you have the right to wealth and all the good things this life has to offer then live in such a way that you can be proud of yourself - for  abundance will only open up for you when you are feeling deserving. Next start "living rich" right now where ever you are with whatever you have. Fix your hair! Use the good dishes! 90% of success is just showing up. And finally don't wait for better opportunities. Move forward putting energy into improving your life right now - then watch the opportunities come!

Venus will be sextiling Jupiter Tuesday June 17. Put these ideas into action then and see results fast!

Blessings to us all,

Rosada, EXT 2340

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