Lots of exciting aspects happening as we enter October:
Rosada, EXT 2340
Pluto recently turned direct empowering all efforts to transform old patterns and to start living a more authentic life. Monday the Moon is in Sagittarius conjuncting Mars so there's another super magnet pulling us out of inertia and steering us to explore new possibilities. Then Venus adds the final touch by shedding prudish Virgo and slipping something a bit more comfortable - silky Libra. It all adds up to a delicious wave of supportive energy so today start Living Large and be the person you always knew you came here to be.
Then keep it up!...Tuesday the Moon continues in Sag so you may get to continue celebrating excess far into Tuesday night! Don't fight it - laugh out loud, get outdoors, be spontaneous!
But then cool it because…Wednesday the Moon hunkers down in Capricorn where she becomes organized and practical. Early in the evening she has her monthly meet-up with Pluto, an aspect I find to be as important and informative as The New Moon. When the Moon conjuncts Pluto the changes that have been evolving underground now become obvious. Thus, if you've been doing something but not seeing any results, the day after the Moon connects with Pluto you will see the changes. Sometimes something dramatic happens right on the day, but usually this energy manifests more subtly. If you've been dieting without results now is when you see a change on the scales or if you've been working with out recognition this could be the day your efforts are noticed. Of course, if you've been getting away with something this planetary line-up could get you caught.
The Moon next squares Uranus but then makes a friendly final aspect to Saturn Thursday morning - this would indicate that surprising upsets could actually lead to some improved arrangements. Maybe a good day for marching in a protest or writing a few letters to the editor!
Friday night the Moon will be in the super friendly sign Aquarius and moving to trine Venus in Libra. Its a very optimistic meeting but be wary of trying to push your luck. Venus in Libra wants contracts to work out as win-wins for everyone and with Mercury turning retrograde on Saturday morning, people will back out of any foolish promises made that don't hold up in the light of day.
Saturn is particularly prominent this month as it's moving to the end of Scorpio and will frequently be the planet of last degree, meaning it will be the last planet the Moon aligns with as the Moon exits each sign every couple of days. Saturn is a sober vibration so there could be a feeling of serious obligations depressing more lighthearted activities. It doesn't have to manifest in a negative way way. Just make a point of giving your plans a bit of forethought and even the craziest ideas should turn out well. For example, on Halloween the Moon' s last aspect will be a square to Saturn meaning if you don't plan ahead you might not feel particularly inspired to dress up. On the other hand, with a little planning this year the celebration could make your -Saturn! - reputation. I'm giving a Come As You Were Party where everyone will be asked to dress as someone they were in a past life.
Have a Fun One!
Rosada, EXT 2340