Today we focus on the flower essence Agrimony, the essence to chose when you're feeling forced to conceal your true feelings behind an outward show..
The healthy well-balanced AGRIMONY type is the optimal optimist. They deal with their problems by not focusing on them and instead, secure in the knowledge that all things work together for good, they put their attention on the positive possibilities and sail through life - a joy to all who know them. The unbalanced AGRIMONY personality only appears to be cheerful while beneath the surface they hide a world of churning emotions. It can be hard to recognize this Agrimony condition because these folks are so agreeable and they don't tell you about the troubles behind their smiles. Inevitably a time comes however when a light-hearted joke is an inappropriate response. When a more serious attitude is required, those needing Agrimony find they are unclear how to respond. It's as if after years of hiding anger and sadness they have become numb to their emotions and don't know how to navigate. Agrimony helps reconnect the feelings with the outer expression.
Rosada, EXT 2340
In daily life, Agrimony is a good essence to have handy if you've got a job working with the public where you're required to follow a script or mumble some phrase like, "It's our pleasure to serve you!" until it has no meaning. Agrimony also helps when you're in a position where you have to put up with a lot of minor agrivations and interruptions till your patience is exhausted yet you must keep smiling because it would be worse to "come unglued".
In more extreme situations, Agrimony can help where there has been a history of severe abuse that has been concealed. Children of alcoholics often tell stories of having had to hide the truth about their home life and to put on a happy face for school to the point where they didn't even know what their feelings are anymore. Likewise, unhappy couples staying together for the sake of the children are probably candidates for Agrimony.
Results to expect:
When people start taking a few drops of Agrimony through out the day they report they sense themselves becoming more aware of their moods, feelings and intuitive impressions - but rather than feeling overwhelmed by a flood of turbulent feelings, they find their enhanced emotional sensitivity makes them confident they can accurately gauge situations and handle them successfully - this gives the true optimism Agrimony is known for.
When people start taking a few drops of Agrimony through out the day they report they sense themselves becoming more aware of their moods, feelings and intuitive impressions - but rather than feeling overwhelmed by a flood of turbulent feelings, they find their enhanced emotional sensitivity makes them confident they can accurately gauge situations and handle them successfully - this gives the true optimism Agrimony is known for.
Remember AGRIMONY by thinking of it as lighting the path from AGRIvation to harMONY.
Full Moon in Pisces Monday September 8. A lot of hidden emotions wanting to come out - A great time to put Agrimony to the test!
P.S. Next week:Aspen
Rosada, EXT 2340
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