Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sun in Libra. Fall Equinox. Pluto Direct. Jupiter/Uranus Trine. Mercury Changes Signs.

The Sun leaves summer and enters fall on Monday, September 22. Coincidentally Pluto, the planet of transformation, will be turning direct that day emphasizing the potential for us to actually feel the shift. As the flow changes focus, you may find your interests change. Indeed, you may find you have no energy for subjects that hold no real meaning for you. You may simply forget appointments. Ordinarily when we experience these temporary "power outages" we over ride them. We force ourselves to stay on task and in a day or two we're back into our routine. This week I suggest we make a point of NOT immediately trying to soldier on when our enthusiasm wanes and instead, if you don't feel like doing something, especially if it's something you usually enjoy doing, pause and ask yourself if the flow of energy in your life is subtly changing. If you receive an affirmative (like your head nods or you feel like smiling or just feel a bit uplifted), then consciously ask that you be aligned with the new direction.

 The Bachflower essence Walnut is specifically for cutting ties to the past and adjusting to the new. You may get benefit from taking some this week.

Sun is going into Libra with a new Moon at 1 degree Libra on Tuesday, September 23. As Libra rules balance this is the time to hit the pause bottom and evaluate: What's our state of balance? Who or what are we surrounding ourselves with to create harmony?

The Libra New Moon gives an opportunity to start new partnerships, particularly business rather than romantic because the emphasis here is on equality and conscious agreements. So the more clearly agreements are spelled out - the more we consciously understand what we are committing to - the better our chances of having an enjoyable experience this month. 

Art is also accentuated under Libra's rulership because the principals of balance have so much to do with whether an arrangement is experienced as beautiful.

Thursday Jupiter trines Uranus - an excellent day for signing documents as the principal of expansion will stretch to include and protect even the most unusual and unexpected of circumstances.

We round out the week with Mercury leaving communicative Libra and entering secretive Scorpio. Make progress in communicating with friends and loved ones before this happens or you may find that the door to understanding has slammed shut.

Wonderful opportunity for family gatherings and parties on Sunday September 28. Couples who chose to marry on this day will feel their union is divinely blessed.

May we all recognize our blessings and be thankful!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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