Although an aspect between planets is only exact for a moment, the effects can be felt for the five degrees leading up to the exact contact and continue for 3-5 degrees after the planets separate. Thus we can look at the Sun opposition Uranus aspect on Tuesday October 7 as having been in effect all last week and we can also assume the connection will continue to be influential for at least the week or so after the Sun moves on. Thus we have been experiencing the drama of the Sun opposing Uranus since the beginning of October and we most likely will continue to sense it's presence until at least the middle of the month.
The Sun is in Libra, the sign of partnership opposing Uranus is in Aries, the sign of independent action, means we can anticipate a lot of us this week are going to be reconsidering our relationship agreements, recognizing where we've gotten out of sync and evaluating how to go forward from here. For example, on the global level, My Country Right or Wrong thinking will be strongly challenged. More and more private citizens - independent Uranus types - are recognizing global warming is a fact, no matter how hard governments try to maintain harmony - Sun in Libra - by denying it. On a personal level, relationships that are not fulfilling their purpose will be abandoned as partners no longer see the value in maintaining a facade.
Rosada, EXT 2340
Those of us most directly effected by this Sun opposition Uranus will be folks who have planets around 14 degrees of cardinal signs. I have my Cancer Sun at 11 degrees and so this line up has been shaking up my world as I look to form new relationships. My husband of 44 years passed away in 2011. Since then Uranus in Aries has been challenging me to strike out on my own, to think of myself not as a widow (Sun in Libra), that is, a person in a relationship with a deceased husband, but as an independent woman (Uranus in Aries). This week I formed a new partnership with a new love. Naturally I feel very good about it, but my kids, are wondering just what the heck the old lady is up to. Uranus is shaking up the old relationships. As another example, I have a girlfriend who's adult son has been living in her home without helping out with chore or money for rent. She's tried to do her part and play the role of Good Mother - Sun in Libra - but he's not doing anything to hold up his end of that bargain so now - Uranus in Aries - she's no longer enchanted by the partnership and is ready to kick him out.
Fortunately there is a total Lunar Eclipse of the Moon in Aries coming up on October 8 so right after the Uranus opposition we'll find a lot of facts and information and truths coming into the open which should illuminate just how necessary the global and personal changes are at this time - and how doing things differently will serve everyone involved.
For those trying to figure out how to navigate all this disruptive energy, the key idea here is to maintain freedom and detachment. Now is the time to make decisions based on what you believe today, not on what you thought was true in the past. So whether you're considering changing your politics, religion or just deciding to get a hot dog instead of a hamburger, this is the week when doing things the old way is no longer working and changing your habits brings you new life.
Once you recognize which patterns no longer serve you, Mercury retrograding into Libra Friday October 10 will help you renegotiate so no need to fear speaking up..
Bottom line, this is the week to stop unproductive habits, announce you are no longer going to keep agreements that don't serve the highest good and confidently renegotiate your contracts.
Sun in Libra loves win-win partnerships and this week we see where really need them!
For a personal consultation call me at 888-889-9897.
It's time for a change!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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