After the major shake up with the eclipse last Wednesday, things will be a bit calmer this week with an easy air trine between the Sun and Moon soothing jangled nerves on Monday. The pleasant pairing of the Sun in peaceful Libra and the Moon in talkative Gemini encourages honest communication. Further good vibrations will come from Mercury - the god of communication - hooking up with Venus the goddess of love on Friday. So there appears to be real potential for friendly negotiations if people remember to think before they speak. I say IF because mid-week the Moon will be in tradition loving Cancer and clashing with Uranus in let's-do-something--different Aries so there exists the possibility of power struggles between the old and new. If people can't flow with the changes, real frustration could emerge when the Moon carries grudges on into drama queen Leo and comes up against immovable resistance when it squares stubborn Saturn in Scorpio on Thursday.
In brief:
Rosada, EXT 2340
Navigating these emotional rapids will require not losing sight of the ultimate goal which is always defined by the Sun's sign placement, As the Sun is in currently in Libra, this week's winners will be those who personify peace and fair play. Thus if plans are being blocked this is not the week to push your demands. Sometimes the best thing is to accept the inevitable and quit while you're ahead.
The Bach Flower Essence Beech can be particularly effective for handling this sort of oppositional energy pattern. The balanced Beech personality is characterized as a feeling of openness and tolerance - a live and let live attitude. An unbalanced Beech condition occurs when one feels forced to ACT AS IF they are tolerant while secretly spending a huge amount of psychic energy to conceal their true feelings. The result is a low grade intolerance for everything - a sort of irritable undertone - develops and worse sometimes mental and emotional intolerance leads to physical intolerance and we develop allergies.
Beech is recommended for those times when you feel obligated to fake a more tolerant and empathetic attitude than is really you. An example would be when we tell social white lies like telling folks they look great when they don't or pretending their jokes are amusing when we're bored to tears. These little fibs usually don't cause us any problems but sometimes the role we're forced to play is so out of alignment with our true feelings that it makes us ill. When we stifle our true concerns and pretend to like something we don't, or when we mentally trivialize problems instead of speaking up, we create stress within ourselves that is then expressed by finding fault with all sorts of little things. We become "Beechy"! . If we can't admit the true cause of our irritations, it's thought that the body will go further to express the ignored conflict by manifesting allergies, a serious medical condition.
In brief:
The balanced Beech personality is characterized as a feeling of openness and tolerance - a live and let live attitude. An unbalanced Beech condition occurs when one is either feeling forced to ACT tolerant while secretly stifling true emotions, or when we recognize we're being intolerant and want some help to be more accepting.
This week the Moon starts out in Gemini pleasantly trining the Sun in Libra while Mercury is hugging Venus saying, "Let's talk openly as true friends." But before long the Moon moves on to square Uranus and Saturn and starts to mutter, "A true friend would do things my way." That's when a few drops of Beech can help dissolve the intolerance and keep you from closing yourself off.
Open wide!
Rosada, EXT 2340
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