Sunday, October 11, 2015

New Moon in Libra - Renegotiating Relationships

For the last several weeks we have been studying the meanings of the planets in the various signs and houses. Now it's time to put what we've learned into practice. Let's begin with the new Moon on Oct. 12:.

The Moon symbolizes feelings. This new Moon will be in the sign Libra, the sign of partnership. Thus our feelings will draw us to partnership issues this month - romantic partnerships, business partnerships, any relationship where we are dealing one-on-one as equals.. Issues you may have will probably be around negotiating new agreements with an old partner and all of us will have an opportunity some time this month to enter into a brand new relationship with a new partner. This won't necessarily be a romantic relationship. It could be a business contract. There will be a need to negotiate and there will be an emphasis on treating people fairly and coming up with win - win solutions. This could prove tricky, however, because just prior to this new Moon, the Moon was opposing Uranus, the planet representing independence, in Aries, the sign of strong self-interest, Thus new agreements will be coming as a response to previous experiences of crisis in the relationship. There will be a sense that we need to talk because the old ways weren't working. One person, represented by the Moon in Libra, may be wanting a closer relationship while the other person, represented by Uranus, may feel smothered. When the Moon meets up with the Sun this day there could be a moment of clarity and an appreciation of the other side's point of view.  Unfortunately, shortly after the connection, the Moon goes on to square Pluto in Capricorn. Pluto represents power and squares indicate tests, so the peace might not last and good intentions will be soon tested.
So recognize opportunities to begin discussions on this day but resist being too determined to see immediate results. Get the ball rolling but leave the door open for new insights coming up - perhaps as soon as the the end of the week.

On to October 15:
 Mars will be in Virgo and moving to make a trine to Pluto. In plain English this means the planet symbolizing drive and ambition, Mars, will be in expressing itself in an orderly and efficient Virgo fashion and will be in easy communication with the planet of total transformation, Pluto, also working in an orderly fashion in Capricorn. Together this appears to be a very auspicious indication that previous tensions and misunderstandings can be easily rectified if the parties involved are willing to forego drama and stick to the facts.

October 17:
Another good day, Sunshine! After the empowering back up from Pluto, Mars now moves to join protective Jupiter, the symbol of good fortune now also in Virgo. The reason Jupiter is considered to represent good fortune is because he is so big. He promises there is plenty of room and plenty of time to accomplish whatever needs to get done. Mars is known for his fiery energy and when this planet is active tempers may flare and accidents happen. However, with tolerant Jupiter around to give everyone space, the greater possibility is there will be enough room for Mars excitement and risk taking AND getting everyone home all right in the end.

Altogether it appears that if people can keep their cool and be patient the first half of the week when the need for change is most apparent, the second half will be very auspicious for working through any obstacles that may have come up.

You read it here first!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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