The monthly meeting of the Moon and Pluto happens in Capricorn this week, Monday October 20. As Pluto is the planet ruling birth and death and total transformation, each time the Moon connects with him it marks an awareness of change. Dramatic turns of events may happen on the actual day of their conjunction or it may be that this is the time when we finally notice changes that have been creeping up over time. The point is, when the Moon conjuncts Pluto we recognize what's working and what is sooo over.
As the last new Moon was in Libra, the sign of partnership agreements, this "awareness of change" moment particularly marks an opportunity for re-evaluating relationships. Some significant relationships may have ended (I attended two funerals in this last month) and new connections made during this time may prove to be important (take special notice of new faces in your world now). Over all however this line up of planets suggests it is our own relationship to the world that is due for some tweaking. If we've been too arrogant or too passive, now the results will be obvious. The process may look something like this:
As the last new Moon was in Libra, the sign of partnership agreements, this "awareness of change" moment particularly marks an opportunity for re-evaluating relationships. Some significant relationships may have ended (I attended two funerals in this last month) and new connections made during this time may prove to be important (take special notice of new faces in your world now). Over all however this line up of planets suggests it is our own relationship to the world that is due for some tweaking. If we've been too arrogant or too passive, now the results will be obvious. The process may look something like this:
Moon joins Pluto Monday Oct 20. Saturn at first degrees of Sagittarius.
Strong awareness of old patterns that are in need of updating.
Strong awareness of old patterns that are in need of updating.
Moon trines Mercury Oct. 21.
Great day to re-negotiate! It will appear the decay has not penetrated too deeply and so can easily be discussed and remedied. However, don't overlook problems or take matters too lightly because tomorrow...
Great day to re-negotiate! It will appear the decay has not penetrated too deeply and so can easily be discussed and remedied. However, don't overlook problems or take matters too lightly because tomorrow...
Mercury squares Pluto Thursday Oct.22.
Any objections will come up now. (Some nasty words are better left unspoken.)
Any objections will come up now. (Some nasty words are better left unspoken.)
Venus trines Pluto Friday Oct. 23.
If one is conscious of the danger connected with every reform then everything should go well in the end.
The Sun leaves Libra and enters Scorpio Friday Oct. 23.If one is conscious of the danger connected with every reform then everything should go well in the end.
Now that the new agreements are in place we begin a month of testing their validity. Did we negotiate in good faith? Hidden agendas will come to light!
Venus joins Jupiter in Virgo Sunday Oct. 25
This should be a lovely day for a Sunday Brunch. Celebrate the new agreements! Because the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter, are in Virgo we may have opportunities to be very kind and helpful but there is also the temptation to get bogged down with annoying details. Keep it simple: Don't sweat the petty stuff and don't pet the sweaty stuff!
Mercury opposes Uranus Sunday Oct. 25
Mercury, the messenger god opposing Uranus, the god of freedom and independence warns that arguments could erupt if people feel their right to free expression being stiffed. The earlier Venus/Jupiter conjunction could have put people in such a good mood however, that this potentially disruptive aspect simply means the time is ripe for some crazy stories, jokes and laughter.
Mercury opposes Uranus Sunday Oct. 25
Mercury, the messenger god opposing Uranus, the god of freedom and independence warns that arguments could erupt if people feel their right to free expression being stiffed. The earlier Venus/Jupiter conjunction could have put people in such a good mood however, that this potentially disruptive aspect simply means the time is ripe for some crazy stories, jokes and laughter.
All in all it looks like this is the week we are ready to acknowledge old problems, create new solutions and make Sunday a day of celebration!
Have a good one,
Rosada, EXT 2340
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