The Full Moon occurs in Gemini on Wednesday, November 25 this month. Gemini rules curiosity and puzzles and clever answers. We can expect a lot of talk and chatter over the Thanksgiving holiday with this Moon placement - including some wonderful opportunities to resolve family issues simply by being willing to be present and communicate.
The Moon in Gemini reminds us that every problem can be solved. Whether the obstacle that blocks us concerns money, relationships, health or whatever, there is always some path that will move us forward if we can only recognize it. The difficulty is that when we feel confronted with an obstacle we stall, we shut down, we lose focus on our goals when what we really need to do is be calm - and turn to our Higher Power. Now "Higher Power" is a phrase that makes a lot of people uneasy but I'm using it here to mean the mental construct we all have that there is an intelligence greater than ours that surrounds and creates us. We may not own up to the fact we believe there is such a one but truly each of us knows we have greater guidance available than that which we normally tap into. Call it The Universe or God or The Flow or just call it our Better Self - when there are difficulties in our life it is a sign we've forgotten our connection to the part of ourselves that is The Creator and as a result we've become too earth bound, reality has become foo solid, too real. Too Taurus, one might say, stubborn and frustrated and feeling stuck. And when life starts feeling stuck, when problems appear, it's a sign we need to reconnect with spirit. Time to move on to Gemini!
Indeed, after leaving Taurus and moving into Gemini the Moon will be highlighting for us opportunities to connect with that which is not solid, not "real". We'll turn from the Taurus realm of things to the Gemini land of talk and ideas.
So how do we reconnect with Spirit? Simply by acknowledging that Spirit exists! Speak of the Angels and they appear! The Moon in Gemini reminds us that every problem can be solved. Whether the obstacle that blocks us concerns money, relationships, health or whatever, there is always some path that will move us forward if we can only recognize it. The difficulty is that when we feel confronted with an obstacle we stall, we shut down, we lose focus on our goals when what we really need to do is be calm - and turn to our Higher Power. Now "Higher Power" is a phrase that makes a lot of people uneasy but I'm using it here to mean the mental construct we all have that there is an intelligence greater than ours that surrounds and creates us. We may not own up to the fact we believe there is such a one but truly each of us knows we have greater guidance available than that which we normally tap into. Call it The Universe or God or The Flow or just call it our Better Self - when there are difficulties in our life it is a sign we've forgotten our connection to the part of ourselves that is The Creator and as a result we've become too earth bound, reality has become foo solid, too real. Too Taurus, one might say, stubborn and frustrated and feeling stuck. And when life starts feeling stuck, when problems appear, it's a sign we need to reconnect with spirit. Time to move on to Gemini!
Indeed, after leaving Taurus and moving into Gemini the Moon will be highlighting for us opportunities to connect with that which is not solid, not "real". We'll turn from the Taurus realm of things to the Gemini land of talk and ideas.
But it also really helps if you take a moment to become calm. Think of problems as being like static on old time televisions. The wires have gotten loose and the picture has become distorted. Likewise, it is when we are agitated that the peaceful flow of things is disrupted and then, because we are now tuned into this disturbed wavelength, everything we do creates and attracts more disruption! As Einstein once said, " A problem cannot be solved on the level at which it is created." We cannot create Peace when we are living Chaos! So at the first sign of a problem, or a sense of being stuck or not knowing which way to turn, SLOW DOWN. You may not even feel agitated but if there is a problem, it's a sign you need to slow down.
Now that you have taken a moment to relax and and shift your focus - "Excuse me while I call God," is a phrase I like to use - now take a moment to acknowledge four or five things that are going right in your world. This will make your vibration less solid, more flowing, stronger, more able to transform that which is to that which could be. Now articulate what you would like to see in your world AS IF IT IS ALREADY HERE. This week, Saturn, the planet that rules solid "reality" is squaring Neptune, the planet that dissolves solid reality and empowers the imagination. It is a particularly useful time for erasing the past and creating a whole new reality. The more you are aware of this and use this opportunity consciously the more likely you will be able to create the future as you want it (otherwise you may find yourself sitting passively by the way side while others dissolve (Neptune) your boundaries (Saturn) and intrude or use you to their advantage).
Rosada, EXT 2340
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