Sunday, November 1, 2015

This Five Letter Word Will Make You Sick!

During the last years of her life my sister had the job of looking after our elderly mother. When Mother passed away at 93 my sister put all of Mom's affairs in order, breathed a deep sigh of relief - and then died herself, just a few months later. I was saddened but not surprised. I knew my sister had not been all that well - she had Lyme's disease - and I also knew that taking care of Mom had been very stressful for my sister. And if there is one thing the body cannot "cure" it is stress. When we are feeling the least bit agitated or stressed out our body goes into "flight or fight" mode. That means all of our energy, all of our bodily functions and resources stop any repairing and healing activity and become focused on survival. It doesn't matter what the cause is or if the threat is even real, if our brain interprets our outer environment as being less than safe  it will put all other activity aside until the crisis is passed. Just as there is no such thing as being "a little bit pregnant" there is also no such thing as being just "a little bit stressed." The body can't heal unless it feels safe enough to totally relax. Therefore, it is crucial that to maintain health we all avoid under all circumstances, that five letter word, stress!

Astrological tools for dealing with stress:

Aries: The reason Aries is able to move so fast and get so many projects launched is because an Aries doesn't carry extra baggage - that is, grudges. You can't get to the finish line first if you're weighed down by a lot of would-of, could-of, should-of. Aries may not ALWAYS win, but sometimes it looks that way because a true Aries never worries about old losses.

Taurus: The bull knows the world will spin on it's own and that it's not his job to fix it. Let It Be is the Taurus stress-free motto.

Gemini: Talk therapy aka The Gemini Solution. Find a good listener and get those fears up and out. Also, a Gemini knows to keep busy and focuses his mind of the things he can change, not the things he can't. That's stress free living at it's finest..

Cancer: The crab hangs on to memories, particularly the ones made of tears so this sign more than most needs a plan for staying positive. Surrounding the self with familiar things that symbolize love and stability like family photo albums can help a Cancerian stay calm and carry on.

Leo: So many people look to Leo to be the source of sunshine and salvation and indeed, often it is a Leo who will stand up and make everyone feel good even while there are problems going on back stage. It can be quite draining however, so Leo needs to curb the instinct to give of themselves to the point of exhaustion.

Virgo: What is more stressful than striving for perfection? Virgo's will never settle for anything less, but they can make their lot easier if they don't let others criticism bring them down. You can't please everyone so you might as well please yourself.

Libra: This sign is known for being so easy going and hospitable you'd find it hard to believe they have problems with stress, but it's true. Libran's can be so aware of  the importance of fair play and inevitable karma, that they tie themselves in knots trying to make situations a win-win for everyone because otherwise, well, did you know peace loving Libra is also the sign ruling war? Talk about stress! Librans respond well to one-on-one conversations and therapy.

Scorpio: Do Scorpios experience stress - or do they just cut right through it? They do experience it, but they hide their feelings well.  It's said Scorpios don't get mad - they get even. Some more highly evolved Scorpios deal with their issues by taking up sports and physical activities.

Sagittarius: This sign is supposed to have a broad perspective that dissolves stress before it can become an issue. However... many Sagittarians I've spoken with are grinding their teeth at night just like the rest of us - it's just that the things that make them tense most of us don't even think about, like The Environment and Governmental Corruption. Sagittarians focus on big issues and can get mighty stressed. If you have someone like this in your circle urge them to take trips and vacations and do things to encourage a truly broad perspective - one that can see the problems AND the good things.

Capricorns seem to be the least likely to be stressed - they never expected good times to last anyway! Still those who do start to worry can get caught up in some truly dark depressions. Remind a Capricorn of the cost of a visit to the doctor's for anti-depressants, that will get him to at least try to pep up on his own! But if a Cappy truly is suffering don't delay - take him to a really qualified top-drawer doctor and get it handled.

Aquarius will have all sorts of curious ways of dealing with stress, In fact, abandoning routine and being free and unpredictable is their best bet for getting out of a funk.

Pisces: The Savior/Victim sign can help his cause by being more conscious of the drama he is helping to create. His best answer to stress is to turn everything over to God or his higher power and then get a good night's sleep.

Works for me!

Wishing you a stress free week!
Rosada, EXT 2340

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