Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to Tell What Sign The Moon Is In.

After last week's column where I gave predictions about the stock market I thought this week it would be good to write about something a bit more light-hearted:
 How to tell - feel! - which sign the Moon is in each day.

 I'm posting a list here of things to watch for this week. Check them off as you see them manifesting and you'll be well on your way to recognizing the Moon in action.

Monday March 7 - March 8 the Moon will be in Pisces. When the Moon slips into this sign we crave some sort of spiritual experience that allows us to escape the harshness of reality. Watch for:

___ A desire to get away, escape, take some time out.

___Opportunities to drink alcohol or take other mood altering substances.

___Interest in meditation, prayer.

___Awareness of homeless people, victims, and others who seem to have lost their place in society.
___ Issues concerning sleep and dreams.

___ Sensitivity to intuition, hunches, messages from other universes.


___Weather-wise, Pisces favors fog and mist which make it hard to see outlines clearly.

March 8 we will have a total lunar eclipse in Pisces. The energies are relaxing and releasing their former alignments. To blend with the flow use this month to let go of old attachments and simplify your life.

Wednesday March 9 - Friday morning March 11 the Moon will be in Aries. Aries is the sign of the single athlete - the runner who carries no extra baggage, focuses solely on his goal and is determined to make it over the finish line first! It's as if in Pisces the Moon dissolved all the old and now we are ready to make a fresh start. You can recognize the Moon is in Aries by noting these common occurrences:

___You are the people you interact with seem a bit more feisty, maybe even a little argumentative. We've just come out of Pisces/victim mode and we're not going to take it anymore!

___ Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and the Moon here brings a feeling to start new projects.

___ Watch for opportunities to try something different - be a bit impulsive.

___You could find you have the nerve to go after what you really want - and get it!

Friday March 11 - Sunday March 13 the Moon will be in Taurus. The Moon in Taurus is a very different energy from the Moon in Aries and if you pay attention you should be able to readily spot the changes:

___Taurus Moon wants stability - no more Aries stress and hurry! You may find yourself looking forward to a quiet, stay-in-one-place weekend.

___Moon in Taurus provides opportunities to see beauty and celebrate nature. Visit an art gallery. Watch the sunset.

___No more Aries protein drinks and grab-n-go snacks. Taurus Moon provides more than just nutrition. It's time for scrumptious meals served in colorful settings.

___ As Taurus rules money and resources, with the Moon here you may feel pulled to get your affairs in order now.

Finally, there are a few significant aspects between the other planets this week you might like to be aware of:

Monday night the Sun will be lighting up expansive Jupiter. Optimism reigns!
Thursday Mental Mercury aligns with Imaginative Neptune. Good for anchoring ideas to make dreams come true.
Saturday Venus enters Pisces. Do unto others as you would have done onto you.

By watching for these various happenings in your life this next week you will find yourself feeling more and more in-tune with the celestial flow.

Oh, and for those who were watching my predictions about oil last week - Yes! It did go up and now with Venus going into Pisces and further strengthening this sign ruling oil I'm expecting it will continue the upward trend this week too!

Just a prediction-suggestion but it might be a good one,


Rosada, EXT 2340

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